Sunday, October 25, 2009

kenapa dalam dunia ni ada orang dengki?

entri ni mungkin emo sikit. aku xtau la kenapa sapoaku aka mr terlalu dengki atau mcm xpuas hati dgn aku. (rujuk chatbox dengan comment pada entri kuidam keletihan) utk pengetahuan, identiti sapoaku atau mr ni 'kami' dah tau. 'kami' sudah berbincang dan menyimpulkan 'dia'lah 2 identiti itu. sebab apa? sebab aku xpernah ada kenalan jauh sekali status kawan yang ada mulut jahat mcm ni. aku pun xpasti la apa yang die mcm dengki sgt atau xpuas hati sgt dengan aku sebab aku yakin dalam sedar aku xde pulak kacau hidup dia. in fact, mungkin makhluk ni xpuas hati sebab pernah tolak pelawaan join aktiviti dia satu ketika dulu yang bagi aku sooo childish and stupid. blog ni aku buat utk share update aku or cerita2 merapu aku dengan kawan2 yg lain. so,kalau la sapoaku a.k.a mr ni rasa meluat baca blog ni, silakan jalan. pergi lah isi masa lapang anda dengan aktiviti yang biasa anda buat tanpa menyusahkan orang lain. aku akan teruskan tulis apa jugak yg aku suka kat blog aku ni. sebab ini blog aku. kalau ko nak mem'bitching', sila pergi tempat lain. p/s : tak faham kenapa ada makhluk macam ni di dunia ni.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Kuidam keletihan

sekarang ni dah masuk bulan ke3. Alhamdulillah sebab tak banyak sangat masalah tapi dengar-dengar cekgu-cekgu kat skolah tu cakap kalau masa mengandung ni senang, nanti masa deliver tu susah. Ye ke? Cuak jugak tapi tawakkal je la.. kalau borak-borak pasal ni je mesti dua soalan wajib ditanya. Morning sickness kuat tak? Mengidam ape? Hurmm... kedua-dua soalan tuh wat saya terkesima kejap. Morning sickness kuat ke tak? kalau kuat tu macam mane? Biase-biase tu mcm mane? Takde penanda aras ;) hehehe.. Tapi biasenye jawapan saya.. Morning sickenss takde sangat.. sikit-sikit loya je.. Yang terkeluar tu pun sebab makan terlebih kut.. hehe.. Yang soalan mengidam ni lagi la susah nak jawab. Macma mana nak bezakan mengidam sebab pregnant atau memang dah gelojoh kuat makan? Adakah definisi mengidam itu adalah perasaan atau gerak hati untuk makan atau minum sesuatu khas bagi orang mengandung? Ataupun ada ciri-ciri khas yang menunjukkan itu adalah mengidam bagi bakal ibu? Pun saya pening. Semalam ade borak dengan Kak Ina. die tanye dua soklan cepu emas tu. Tapi yang pasal megidam tu die ade pengalaman sendirik. Die kate anak perempuan die da umur 2 tahun tapi air lir masih meleleh. Die pun tak ingat ape bende yang die mengidam tapi tak lepas. Masa tu baru teringat macam pernah ade orang cakap kalau ape yang diidam tak dapat, nanti air liur baby asyik meleleh. Ingatkan gurauan jek.... (:| so, nasihat Kak Ina, kalau ade terasa nak makan ape je, baik terus makan. Jadi, maksudnya tak payah la sebok nak cari definisi mengidam tu. makan je ape-ape yang terlintas nak makan. Hari tu masa kat labuan 'mengidam' nak makan fries McD. Ceeewaah... western lak selera baby nih.. hehe.. Ade gak terlintas nak makan pulut ngan kelapa parut tapi pikir balik isk.. takkanlah aku nak makan pulut kut.. bukan fevret aku.. ni kire mase kat labuan la.. lagipun mase tu suami ajak buka puasa kat manja rasa.. so, kire tak layan la.. tapi lepas borak ngan Kak Ina semalam, tadi trus request kat mak nak pulut. Hehe.. walaupun makan sedikit je, tapi rasenye cukup kut. Janji merasa ;) Tapi yang paling ketara masa mengandung ni ialah tahap keletihan yang tak munasabah. Baru jalan pusing kat bazar tu da tercungap-cungap. Masa BTN hari tu kumpulan saya kena nanyi lagi Tanggal 31.. hah.. ambek ko.. baru satu lagu da tercungap-cungap.. Balik je dari skolah jangan cakap la.. Confirm terbongkang tido tak hengat.. tapi rasanya sekarang ni alhamdulillah.. da kurang sikit penat yang macam tu.. tapi sakit kepala tu tak macam teman setia pulak. Mood swing? Entah la.. sebab saya memang azali garang.. hahaha.. tak la.. tapi sikit-sikit ade la kut ;p. tapi sekarang ni hati mudah tersentuh.. tengok oprah nangis.. tengok anime furit basket pun nangis.. tengok anime yamato nadeshiko pun nangis!! aduii.. tapi bukan la nangis yang meraung-raung.. cuma ade la titisan-titisan embun.. hahaha.. So, moral of the story, hati-hati dengan ibu mengandung. So fragile. ;) Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa :) ...

Monday, August 31, 2009

31 Ogos Hari Merdeka

Suramnya sambutan 31 Ogos tahun ini. Di kaca televisyen tidak banyak iklan kemerdekaan. Siaran berunsurkan kenegaraan dan semangat patriotik juga kurang. Walaubagaimanapun saya gembira tiada konsert pada tahun ini ;) Maaf kepada yang meminati konsert tetapi saya rasa ianya kurang relevan. Ini pendapat peribadi. Saya bersetuju dengan sambutan yang lebih rohaniah. Walaubagaimanapun, semangat cintakan negara saya masih kuat. Sambutan kemerdekaan itu hanyalah satu bentuk memperingati tetapi terjemahan semangat patriotik adalah sepanjang masa. Berdiri tegak dan rasa megah ketika mendengar lagu Negaraku berkumandang itu menunjukkan patriotik. Rasa bertanggungjawab terhadap keamanan negara itu patriotik. Menghargai keamanan yang kita kecapi itu patriotik. Menghormati perlembagaan negara atas dasar cinta negara dan mengenang pembentukan Malaysia itu patriotik. Sensitif terhadap sentimen kaum dan kepercayaan agama itu patriotik. Menghormati nilai dan budaya kaum lain itu patriotik. Kemerdekaan bukanlah untuk diraikan semata-mata tetapi lebih kepada mengekalkan. Salam perpaduan :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

bye bye labuan

sy selamat mendarat di KKIA pukul 1235 tghr. Walaupun labuan tu boring, tp berat hati nak tinggalkan labuan. at the moment, i 'm feeling down :( hmm.. lamany nak tgu raya.....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Baby Language by Priscilla Dunstan

Please watch until the end. Starting 3:15 :)

I’m so lucky today for being bored that leads me to turn on the tv and tune to the Hallmark channel. It was like Allah answers my wonders and showing me the answer to my worry of becoming a mum - baby's cry.

It’s not that I worry about the baby cries. That’s the only way the baby communicates to us - through the cries or at least that was what I thought. What concerns me more is how I will get to understand my baby needs when mums and their babies usually don’t speak the same language.

I discover a major solution to this through Oprah’s show today – and yes, I’m a fan of Oprah. Good for me :)

The whole amazing, wonderful, superb discovery is found by Priscilla Dunstan, an Australian who is gifted with photographic memory since she was a child. She can memorize all facts from the learning in school without having to take down notes and she could hear a Mozart concert on the piano played by her mother only once and play it back note for note with her violin. After being a mum herself, she benefits her gifted ability for sound and pick out certain patterns in her baby-Tom cries and then remember what those patterns were later on when the baby cried again.

She has tested over a million babies from around the globe and come to a conclusion that - there are five words that all babies 0–3 months old say—regardless of race and culture.

The five words or sound made by babies are :

1. Neh - means “I’m hungry”

2. Eh - means the baby needs to burp

3. Heh - means the baby is in discomfort

4. Eair - means the baby need to lower wind/gas

5. Owh - simply means “I’m sleepy”

She said that these are not the babies’ cries but more to pre-cries sounds which is logically the babies are actually ask nicely at the first place for whatever they needs and when our action doesn’t meet their needs, they will really cry. So, that means mums will have to always listen to their babies BEFORE the baby cries.

Owh.. i wish i could share more..

Monday, August 24, 2009

puasa di rantauan

husband is at work and i'm so bored. I called him just to asked what time he'll be home (even though i already knew) and told him that i was bored. i've no transportation to wander around so i stuck at home. hubby suggestion was watching the tv but nothing is interesting on tv and i'm so done with surfing. i finished watching two movies and now i just dont know what to do. fyi, i'm in Labuan right now. I just arrived here yesterday and this is my first time being here in Labuan. So funny because Labuan used to be part of Sabah but i never set my feet here. If not for my husband's job, i don't know when will i reach labuan. alaa.. boringnya entri nih. nampak sgt writer pun memang tgh boring. *note : buy some interesting reading material to kill time
Selamat menyambuat Ramadhan & Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

please click here

i dont know how to write about this one.. so, just click the link if you wish to know :) wish me well :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

tag datang lagi....

I'm tagged by Ms B... 1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah: *semuanya background computer science* 2. Saya sedang mendengar: bunyi pintu dlm makmal 3. Mungkin saya patut: jadi surirumah sepenuh masa & bisnes sendirik 4. Saya suka: Berehat di rumah & tgk tv 5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya: anggap kelemahan sy sbg signature diri sy 6. Saya tak faham: kenapa orang susah nak nilai sesuatu secara objektif 7. Saya kehilangan: xperasan pulak apa yg hilang.. 8. Ramai yang berkata: saya sombong dan tegas 9. Makna nama saya: errr... fair lady? 10. Cinta itu adalah: bila ia melengkapi 11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang: mengajar(?) 12. Saya akan cuba: siapakan kerja2 sy yg tertangguh sbb pegi kursus minggu lepas :( 13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud selama-lamanya(?) 14. Telefon bimbit saya: SE k800i. murah & berfungsi :) 15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur: tekan snooze pada alarm 16. Saya paling meluat apabila: orang bertalam dua muka. 17. Pesta/Parti adalah: sesuatu yang sy tidak gemari 18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah: xingat 19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah: buat masa ni masa2 di sekolah menengah & matrikulasi 20. Hari ini: sgt bosan sbb kelas ade 1 je pastu hari hujan... ZZzzzzZZ 21. Malam ini saya akan: Buat DLP (daily lesson plan) 22. Esok pula saya akan: Ke SM Teknik untuk bengkel skema pemarkahan 23. Saya betul-betul inginkan: Untuk berhenti kerja dan duduk di rumah menjaga anak saya, sambil membiarkan simpanan saya membuat pulangan yang cukup untuk membiayai kos pembelanjaan kami. ( pinjam ayat Ms B. this is sooooooooo true) 24. Ketika saya lihat wajah saya di hadapan cermin pagi ini: namapak muka letih..... 25. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan: Pusat membeli belah. 26. Makanan Barat atau Jepun: Barat. 27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap: Gelap 28. Makanan segera adalah: kurang bernutrisi 29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang? ok. 30. Siapa yang anda mahu tag? org yg agak2 sudi balas tag nih.. en cerpelai, mama mahirah, adani

Monday, July 20, 2009

please copy and forward the content of this post to your friend in 3 days or you'll be curse forever

scary and annoying title. aku masih ingat lagi masa aku sekolah rendah dulu, ada sorang makhluk yang entah la sapa telah menyebarkan satu surat yang aku sudah xingat apa isi kandungannya. tp yang aku tak akan lupa ialah unsur-unsur ugutan di akhir helaian tu. surat tu kononnya telah berusai beratus2 tahun. bunyiknya lebih kurang.. " anda mesti menyebarkan hal ini. sebarkan kepada *** orang nescaya anda akan mendapat tuah yang banyak.. jika anda mengabaikan pesanan ini anda dan keluarga anda bakal mendapat kecelakaan yang amat dahsyat.. bla bla bla.." lebih kurang begitu lah maksudnya.. masa tu UPSR pun x lepas lagi.. siapa lah aku ini.. sebagai kanak2 yang sayangkan keluarga aku pun kaget. aku ada jugak ingat nak tapuk2 (sembunyik2) pegi kedai fotostat nk fotostat surat berantai tuh dan masukkan dala peti surat sape2 je janji culup kuota (bapakku keje kat pej pos.. heheheh) tapi oleh kerana belanja sekolahku xcukup menampung harga fotostat yg seingat aku agak mahal time tuh.. aku tawakkal je la.. so, aku cepat2 bagi bapak aku baca time tuh. mane tau bpk aku bg duit suh g fotostat.. tapi aku tersilap perkiraan.. xpasal2 aku pulak kena ceramah. bpk aku kata tu surat berantai.. walaupun bpkku bukanlah alim ulama, tapi ayat yang membuatkan aku terpk bila bpk aku tny.. surat tu yg berkuasa atau tuhan? erk... (bapakku penceramah hebat o_O) lepas diberikan 'taklimat ringkas oleh bapakku', bapak aku suh buang kertas tuh. terpaksa la aku buang. masa berlalu.. aku da xingat pasal surat tuh.. hinggalah kebelakangan ni aku selalu dapat emel2 yang isi kandungannya baik.. berunsurkan nasihat dan ingatan. mungkin mesej pengirim asal mahu mesej itu disampaikan dan tidak terputus. tapi tu tidak menghalang aku jadik bengang kalau pada penghujung pesanan atau ingatan tuh ade je unsur2 ugutan suh forward kalau x forward kamu ni adalah bla bla bla (semua sifat jahat) dan akan dihujani malang dsb selama bla bla bla. ada pulak yg isi kandungan yg lbh kurang bermaksud " kalau x forward anda bukan muslim sejati la.. xsayangkan agama la... " apa ni weiii????? senang2 je label iman orang lain..isk isk isk.. aku mcm x faham dan bengang. kenapa benda2 yang baik selalu dicampuradukkan dengan yang tak baik(?). seriously, kalau aku dpt emel camtu.. kirim salam je la.. kalaulah ade yg aku terforward.. tu dengan ikhlasnya sebab aku rasa contentnya sgt penting.. sejak kene ceramah ngn bapak aku dulu tu.. aku mmg yakin surat dan sumpahan tu tidak membawa kesan apa2. kalau la kita di timpa malang.. tu semua kehendak dan kuasa Allah semata2.. mungkin kalau terkena dlm masa2 terdekat anda terima surat atau emel2 berantai tu.. tu hanya kebetulan semata2.. so, saya ingan membuat cadangan kepada kawan2.. kalau dapat emel yang ada unsur2 ugutan di akhir pesanan dan ingatan yang murni.. mungkin boley di edit dengan memadam part yang menyakitkan hati itu sebelum nak foward kepada member lain. kalau x boleh edit tapi nak jugak forward, copy and paste lah. p/s : kalaupun sumpahan mengarut tuh betul, aku xakan jugak send kat kawan2.. sebab, bukankah selfish menghantar emel yang menyusahkan dan seolah2 menyumpah kawan2 sendiri? i love u friends...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

TORA datang lagi....

Salam semua :) ceewah.. ala2 ade peminat gitu.. sedar tak sedar (sebenarnya sedar) dah hampir DUA bulan blog ni sunyi.. dah ade member2 yg tanye perkembangan terkini.. heheh.. ok la.. stret to de point. so, majlis perkahwinan hari tu alhamdulillah.. berjalan dengan baik. walaupun pada siang harinya BLACKOUT!! huh. ape la sabah electricity ni.. x bagi chance langsung! T__T nasib bik menjelang petang tu da ada balik.. penat memang penat. terutama skali family husband yang baru sampai pd petang jumaatnya dan bertolak balik ke semananjung pada hari lusanya iaitu hari ahad. penat memang penat. awal pagi ahad harinya husband and family betolak balik ke semenanjung. :( so.. saya ditinggalkan menghabiskan cuti sekolah yang berbaki seminggu lagi. saya cume hantar sampai airport je. nak ikut pun xde gune jugak..sbb husband bertugas. xde cuti. kesimpulannya, husband & family datang weekend tuh semata2 nak kawen je.. alkisahnya.. apepun hepi sgt.. ramai jugak rombongan dari family husband. ade dekat 20 orang. siap sewa van lagi. hehe.. sy betul2 berterima kasih kepada family terutama parents n adik beradik. almaklum la.. adat kg sy ni konon2nye bakal pengantin xleh jlan jauh2 la... xleh kuar rumah la seminggu.. mcm2.. so da pening sgt sbb brg bnyk x beli, pesan je la kat ena ngn atik (adik yg keje kat kl). they all are very helpful and sgt laaaa bersabar dengan list barang yang mcm kalau binding boleh lawan tebal thesis phD. hahaha.. pastu nak angkut barang satu hal plak.. nasib baik la xde yg koma tersepit kat celah barang dalam perjalanan dr airport ke kg. tq girlsss... pastu xcukup pesan kt kl pesan plak kat adik yang praktikal kt kk. lia. pesan barang sikit2 je la. sbb die xde transport nk merayau carik barang. tp apepun semangat shopping adik2ku boleh dibanggekan. hahah.. kakak aku plak bab kat dapo n emergency banker. heheheh.. kalau rase2 xsempat nak g atm MINTAK aje ngn die.. trimassss....... ;) pastu herda plak selaku interior designer bersama atik ngn lia (makcik cleaner bersama cikin dan ela) yang sabar dengan karenahku tentang hiasan2.. tp mmg best sbb aku leh suh diorg wat ape2 pon.. diorg wat je.. hehehe.. n mak ngn bapak sy pun sgt aktif untuk persediaan2 akhir.. terima kasih diucapkan.. i love u all.. *muah* hanya Allah saja yang mampu membalas jasa semua yg membantu. terasa sgt diri disayangi T____T *terharu* .... husband pun skg da abis training kat labuan. so skg OJT kat labuan. alhamdulillah. dekat sket. :) majlis belah kuarga husband pun da selamat berlangsung 27 jun lepas. atas sebab-sebab yang memang xboleh nak elak langsung kecuali nak labur lagi 2k kat air asia, majlis dijalankan pd hr isnin. tp surprise!surprise! raainye org. in fact lg ramai drp mase wat kat kg i hr tu. huhu. alhamdulillah.. ni la untungnya tgk dlm komuniti yg peka kepada jiran2... :) yg belah sane pun sanding jugak. sonok.. tp keluhan same.. penat.. (nampak tak yg sy sgt la takut penat???) adik2 ipar2 pun sume sporting2.. alhamdulillah. ade org ckp dok kat umak mentua panas punggung.. tp sy rase hepi je ;) rase mcm dok umah sendiri. bukankan itu yg sepatutnya? :) majlis belah sane sy amek cuti seminggu..sbb husband pn cuti seminggu.. sempat la melencong ke cameroon highland. kebetula plak papa (parent angkat yg sangat prihatin) ade mesyuarat kat IPD cameroon so kitorg pun BERRRGABUNG.. mama, mc anie, adik ngn irfan pun ade same. so, papa bwk kami ke tmpt yg kalau sy ngn husband je mst x smpi ke tmpt tu.. iaitu kilang teh boh.. hehehe... i love the place sooo much :) and the fresh tea of course. sooo heavenly! mase majlis belah kelantan ni kuarga angkat i mmg banyak membantu. dr kl kitorg konvoi 3 bj kete g kuantan. so stay kat satu umah ala2 homestay. sgt selesa. ni pun mama yg carikkan. malmnye BBQ lagi. tahnks to mama ngn papa. kat kltn plak, mlm 1st tu stay kat umah papa kat machang. mlm tu mama bwk family i ke wakaf che yeh. haa... hambek korg. br tau le,as di lautan TUDUNG dan KAIN yg SUPER MURAH!!! bapak i yg jarang2 mau beli barang tu pun telah merembat beberapa item. mak aku plak da pening2.. ahahahah.. aku? aku surrender.. aku xleh tmpt2 crowded. pening. tp pening2 pun sempat rembat 2-3 bende. hehehe.. oleh sebab majis sy tu hari isnin, mama terpakse memontengkan adik selama 2 hari persekolahan :( sian adik.... lepas dr cameroon tuh ktrg ke kl plak. stay umah cik ngn mak lang. tujuan utama ke kl ialah nak tengok transformers T__T.. sangat berbaloi bangun pagi gosok gigi beratur pukul 9.30 pg utk tgk show kul 10.00 pagiu.. (mcm pantun) tghrnya azuar ngn mahirah ajak kami makan tengah hari di rumah mereka di balakong. so lepas bertarung dengan decepticons kami pun bergegas ke balakong. sedap2 plak hidangan pn mahirah tu.. dessert yag yummy you... hehe.. pastu malam tu plak.. che lah (jiran cik ngn mak lang) ajak kami makan malam kat rumah diorg. terasa mcm hari raya pun ade... alhamdulillah.. murah rezeki.. :) ... anda semua nampak tak.. pada ketika ini saya amat bersyukur kerana menyedari bhw sy sgt diberkati dengan kasih sayang org2 disekeliling sy. walaupun sy rs.. "apelah kebaikan aku da buat smpi rminye org syg aku" T___T walaupun ade bunyik2 perasan tapi itu sgt mengharukan.. oleh itu ini telah memotivasikan sy untuk menjadi org yg lebuh baik,, untuk agama, bangsa, negara, megeri, daerah, kampung dan keluarga. sekian p/s: hambek korg baca smpi kene masak megi sbb lapar bace entri yg panjang n tahpape ;)

Saturday, May 30, 2009


at the very same time on the next saturday i'll be a mrs. i'm so anxious to wait for the big day. the big day is about everything for the past two years. the datings, the crisis, the arguing, the forgiving were all about getting to the big day. and the previous few monts were the most hectic mentally and physically to make sure that the big day event going out smoothly. i just pray for a smooth majlis. i just hope everyone will be happy for us and focusing on the main cause of the big day - tying a knot- maybe the next time i blog i'm not a miss jane anymore. am i prepared?

Thursday, May 28, 2009


sigh.. i've always been very careful when it comes to parking my lil comot. i'm always the one who cannot stand drivers with bad on-road habit. i can never ever admit that it was my fault. i was in KK last 2 weeks with my mom and we went to shopping at Segama for some bridal stuff. I saw an empty parking spot in thr middle of a parking-hunting-battle. i checked for a NO PARKING sign and none is around. So, noticing there was a fading yellowish line, i was convinced that that was a legal parking spot. after spending about 2 hours in the bridal shop, we walked towards the car and we were welcomed by a waving summon ticket slipped under the wiper. urghhh... luckily i was so tried that i couldnt even think about saying something. i just folded the ticket into two and put it in the dashboard and drove home. i forgot about the ticket. until last week, a notice was posted to me here in kudat and i started to panic. they didnt state the amount. what if the very accidental mistake cost me the maximum compound of 300? i was about to write a letter to the IPD that issued the ticket when an idea came to me to checked the summon online. luckily the compound was only rm30 and i just pay the amount. there. finished. urgh. i hate it when i have to deal with remeh temeh stuff like this. sooo irritating. eventhough it's only rm30, but i pay for something not worth it when i could havee get 3 tickets for movie :( grrrrr....

Monday, May 25, 2009

wedding preps update II

even though i always say that i dont want to think about the preps .. malas nak pikir and all.. but obviously my dreams didnt confirm that. past this week, all i colud dream about was anything related to the wedding. sigh. i dont even know what i've been stressed about. or am i in denial that i AM worrying about EVRYTHING. but my repression self-defence mechanism fails to ignore whatever i've been trying to avoid. i dont know about other brides-to-be. do they stressed out as much as i am? or am i just too loud about it? well.. accepting that this is how plain-jane is 'piloted', i feel like.. its ok to do this. whatever la. i hope tomorrow is the BIG day so that i dont have to go through another stressful days. btw, what is that i'm so stress about???

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

weddig preps update

frankly speaking, i dont know if everything i ready but all i know i did wht i could up to this very moment. and the invitation cards? fuh.. thank god they are ready. i still cant concentrate on the preps. school's haunting me. even though i have nothing much to do since this is exam week but still i cant shift my attention to the preps. but tomorro i'll try to make a final to-do list. owh.. i can feel my heart is beating faster.......

Monday, May 18, 2009

happy teachers' day

been quite busy lately.. last 2 weeks i went to another round of meeting and briefing about the PPSMI and the day after went to the police cadet camping at kota belud. it was sooooooo bl***y hot and humid. i have no idea why campings nowadays are held in the less forestry area? where's the fun? as a reward.. i got the 'unwanted' tan skin. urgh.. just thank god that my sun burnt allergy that i used to have during my uni years didnt come out. Or else i'll be treating myself with days of MCs. this is just a simple update.. school is starting the mud year exam. which means more on marking exams papers.. fuh.. on the other note.. i'm not sure about the wedding preps. the cards havent been distibuted YET. end of this week perhaps. the wedding will be in less then 3 weeks! and yes... i feel the tense. sometimes i just activate my ignorance mode. *sigh*

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

entri penat-penat yang malu-malu

buat sekian kalinya aku nak jugak menhebahkan kepada dunia bahawa aku penat lagi hari ini... dan sebagai bonus.. aku telah memenagi satu insiden memalukan pagi ini.. tsk.. tsk.. T__T semalam kan aku penat.. dijadikan cerita, semalam ketua bidang sains & matematik mtk aku gantikan die pegi taklimat pemantauan PPSMI di Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah pukul 8.30 pada esok hari (hari ini le tuh).. dengan senang hati aku akur sebab aku suke pegi taklimat2 nih.. shhhh.. jgn heboh2.. malu kat cekgu2 laen.. aku suke bukan ape.. aku suke nak belajar bende2 baru.. so aku pun semangat.. sebab terlebih semangat, aku x bace pun surat tu betul2.. aku hanya pastikan tarikh, masa, tempat dan ape2 yang perlu dibawa. ye la kan.. semalam kan bz.. so kirenye bace dengan cepat2... pagi2 lagi ake da siap2 kan kelengkapan.. diorg suh bawak laptop aje pun.. so lepas antar mak dn adik aku pg tuh aku trus ke sekolah.. aku guru bertugas minggu ni so kene bunyikan loceng pagi and roll call pagi. tp oleh sebab P.A system down, xjd la sesi nyanyi2 lagu negaraku dan sebagainya.. ok.. xpe.. aku pasrah.. tgk jam... awal lagik.. br kol 650.. utk makluman, sesi persekolahan start kol 6.40 yee.. so.. aku pun cek2 ape2 kerje yg aku bleh setelkan.. so aku setelkan surat2 amaran pelajar.. yess.. aku guru kelas.. mane2 pelajar yg kehadiran tak memuaskan hati2 kami.. aku bg je surat amaran.. ade 5 orang yang dapat surat 'chenta' dari aku. oh lupe. sblm tu aku maklumkan kepada guru yang menguruskan guru ganti tentang ketiadaanku di sekolah yang dijangka sehingga tengahari ni.. so, xde la budak2 kelas aku wat parti dalam kelas.. lepas siap2.. rupenye da kol 7.30.. so aku pun pk aku kene breakfast walaupun x lapar.. takut lapar mase taklimat fikirku.. so aku pun ke kantin.. smpi kat kantin.. pengetua pun ade jugak.. so sambil2 makan karipaap 2 bijik.. and borak lebih kurang aku pun tgk jam da 8 lebih so aku pun mtk excuse and trus g bilik guru nak amek laptop. smpi bilik guru cikgu naron plak (ketua bidang bahasa) dtg tanye sesuatu yan aku dah tak ingat ape die.. selesai... jam da kol 8.15.. aku pun g pej nak tulis name di buku pergerakan staf.. ye la.. mane leh cabut gitu je walaupun ade surat.. sambil2 tulis bertegur sapa dan beramah mesra denga staf kat pejabat tuh.. aku lenggang2 time tu da kol 823. so.. off i went to the PPD. smpi je kat PPD aku tgk da ramai da yg smpi.. mcm penuh la pulak.. mase aku masuk pintu tu ade la sorg guru yg aku kenal dn mengenali aku.. die pun tegur lebih kurang begini.. 'oo.. lantikan baru sudah aaa..' (o.. baru di lantik yee..) aku senyum2.. blur jugak x faham ape yg dimaksudkan. aku pun nmpk cg anuar.. die dulu ketua bidang saing & math kat skolah aku tp da pindah ke PPD so aku pun g dok dkt2 area die iaitu tpt paaaaling depan. die pun mcm terkejut nmpk aku seraya berkata.. Cg. Anuar : "oh.. jadi grur data sudah?" (oh.. da jadik guru data?) plain_me : eh.. ndak la.. wakil cikgu siaw.. ketua bidang.. ( eh.. taklah.. wakil.....bla bla) Cg. Anuar : eh.. sepatutnya guru data yag datang.. plain_me : Ha? ya ka? Cg. Anuar. ya. xperasan kali yang U.P tu.. (mungkin u x perasan untuk perhatian tu) plain_me: alamak.... sy x baca pun.............. di depan tu rupenye ade cikgu kumar yang mmg suka menyakat.. adusss aku malu..... sebab aku sgt semangat buakak laptop aku yang xde fail EMIS pun..... uwaaaaa..... p/s: aku pun kol cikgu data tu utk dtg segera. utk cover malu.. aku dok dgr taklimat tu smpi abis.. :'(( maluuuuu T___T p/s2 : kenapa aku penat hari ini? sebab tghr ade meeting smpi kol 230 pastu iring kadet polis g IPD utk latihan kawad then g amek amk and adik then kol 700 g men badminton smpi kol 10mlm. i'm tired but im HAPPY. tu yg penting! lalalalalala~~~ p/s3: taklimat tu abis kol 930. so lepas jamuan (aku pun ikut tau) aku trus balik skolah dan masuk kelas mengajar seperti biasa seperti taida yg berlaku T__T

Monday, April 20, 2009

penatnyeeee... minggu lepas skolah aku buat perkhemahan kem kepimpinan.. so aku jadik ajk malam kebudayaan merangkap bendahari program. tp aku xde wat pun keje2 bendahari.. hehehe.. mungkin diorg saje letak name aku spy nampak meriah carta organisasi tu.. hehehe.. bajet meriah je.. aku wat keje2 ajk kebudayaan je. so aku ngn 2 cekgu lagi ni ditugaskan sbg ajk kebudayaan yang kejenye carik tema, buat rules and regulation pastu sediakan borang markah and lantik hakim. senang je.. small the pieces kate apek. lagi senang sbb bkn aku ketua. hehehe.. tapi tetibe malam ahad tu kene plak stay back.. kire sentri malam la ni. mule2 aku inga nak ngelat dan melarikan diri.. atas alasan name xde dlm ajk keselmatan.. hihihi.. sekali bile da stat bukak cerita dgn cikgu fabian, diana, zamri n mimie.. macam macam topik kuar.. mule2 layan lagu dulu.. pastu masuk topik2 sekolah.. cinta2 yang gagal, pengalaman2 kelakar, pengalaman seram, masalah sosial setempat, masalah pemimpin tempatan, politik sket2, isu PPSMI, isu rasuah politik, isu tanah2 di sabah yang dijual kepade micheal shumacher dan jackie chan, mengesan buruj2, membandingkan cahaya lampu satelite dengan bintang kejora dan macam2 made.... tup..tup.. da azan subuh... hahahaha.. it was so fun indeed.. lepas kejut peljar2, kitorng sume balik.. aku pon tdo la smpi kol 8.. kol 9 paginye aku drv ke kampung.. perjalanan yg memakan masa 2 jam tuh agak mencabar.. sampai kat kampung aku smbg tdo.. keh keh keh.. kol 3 bgn.. then siap2 kol 4 drv balik lagi ke kudat.. adussss... sgt la letih.. penangannya smpi hari ini.. hr ni aku ade kelas tambahan n latihan koir budak.. so aku stay kat skolah smpi 5.50 ptg. penatnye tuhan je yang tau.. kalau budak sorang je xpe.. 30 budak.. kene lagi hari ni wat experiment.. mcm marathon yang laju memotong 30 orang peserta pecut.. huhu.. smpi je kat umah aku trus mandi2.. lepas je maghrib, trus zzz... (maghrib kat sabah awal ye..) sedar2 bgn kol 930.. so gagahkan diri merapu lebih kurang.. dan skg rase ngntuk balik.. sekian entri ini.

Friday, April 03, 2009

my love for physics

this past two weeks was really tiring.. but i like it. i like being busy with moderate pressure. being under positive pressure increase my productivity.. :) teaching physics is not easy - i have to admit. not only in term of the content and to promote the understanding to the students but mentally of course. i met many people who asked me my job and subject that i teach in school (mostly teachers) and noooone of the like physics during their secondary years T___T The reason? Physics is so hard to learn. ok. i dont deny it. in fact until now, i'm still learning. I took physics as my major subject was not purely because i was so clever and genius or whatever but i teach physics because i loooove the subject. back during my secondary school (yes.. the gooooooood old days again! ;p) WE (friends and i of course) thought that physics is so hard to learn. so hard that i had to fall asleep during the class.. tsk tsk T_T seriously. i dont know why. i couldnt stay awake for the whole period! it wasnt intentional. luckily for me, mr feen (my most fav teacher) didnt scold me. he will just knock the table with the meter rule to wake me up.. hehe.. but one thing i'm proud of myself is even though physics is so hard to learn, i cant deny i'm so amazed by it. and back in those years.. we always discussed why was that physics is sooo hard to learn. and one of us (i couldnt remember who) was telling us that it was so simple. it is because physics teachers are NATURALLY bad in teaching. and that is because physicists are genius and nerd people that usually bad in expressing something let alone teaching.. we were like ooooooohh and aaah.. T__T no wonder.. then we felt sympathy for mr feen. we understood that that wasnt his fault.. it was NATURAL FOR PHYSICS TEACHER TO BE UNABLE TO EXPRESS WHAT HE WANTED US TO LEARN T__T so cute. we forgave our beloved physics teacher and even made excuse for him! arent we cute?? hihihi.. physics is so beautiful. she is like a dear friend that open your eyes about the universe. she answers the wonder of the world. she answers questions that you never ask. most important.. she proves how MIGHTY our CREATOR is. we never realize how close physics to our life. every step that we take.. there is physics in that. we are huaman with mass. and every moving object possesses momentum. momentum is denoted by p. so,
where m is our mass and v is the velocity. doesnt matter how slow we move... we still have the momentum. and when we are sitting oe not moving... we still have forces acting on us.. our wieght and the normal force that cancel out each other that resulting a nett force of zer0. see.. we are so close to physics.. it doesnt matter if we think physics is hard to learn. because thats true. but dont deny that physics is soo interesting and believe me.. i'm still amazed by physics until now. i will never give up on you ..

Friday, March 27, 2009

Bye Bye ST JOHN check 1, 2!!

Pukul 2 tadi aku pegi kat IPD Kudat untuk mesyuarat Hari Kor Kadet Polis ke-39 pada 31 Mac ini. So, bagi mereka di luar sana yang tidah tahu, 25 Mac setiap tahun adalah Hari Polis dan tahun ini adalah sambutan yang ke 202 dan 31 Mac setiap tahun jugak adalah Hari Kor Kadet Polis. Soalannya: Sambutan Hari Kor Kadet Polis yang keberapakah tahun ini? Jawab dalam masa 10 saat...........OK. Masa tamat. Ok. Tak lawak pun. Haih. Kesimpulanya esok dan lusa dan esok kepada lusa dan lusa kepada lusa ini, aku akan sangat sibuk. esok kepada lusa akan ada raptai penuh berbarisan. Skolah aku akan hantar platun sebagai unit kawalan. Kawalan yg ni bukan kawalan macam pak gad. Tapi kira macam platun utama la.. kalau kawad polis betul2 ni adalah platun yang kawad dengan senjata.. smart jugak. Aku harap baju aku yang aku dah tempah dari bulan 9 tahun lalu dan telah bertukar tukang jahit sebanyak 3 kali akan siap hari isnin ini. tapi... sebenarnya aku rindukan kenangan aku bersama st. john (check 1.2!). tak tau kenapa. aku ingat lagi aku dan beberapa kawan aku masuk st john sebab unit beruniform ni tak ramai budak lelaki. aku pun xtau kenape aku xsuke aktiviti yang akan menyebabkan aku kena berinteraksi dengan lelaki. OPPssss.. jangan salah paham ye. aku normal. hahahaha. cume mase dolu2 la katakan... pemalu kot aku ni? hahaha... same jugak dengan bola keranjang. aku da penah bermain banyak jenis games dan sports tapi sampai hari ni aku still rase aku paling suke main basketball. mungkin jugak sebab aku sangat suka bila coach aku dulu suka kaitkan fizik masa ajar nak lompat atau defending. Dia selalu sebut pasal momentum dan pusat graviti dan aku rasa sangat minat dengan matapelajaran fizik selepas itu (walaupun aku selalu tidur dalam kelas cikgu feen.. T__T) tapi percayalah, aku minat sgt fizik cuma aku tak tau apesal la mase fizik aku rase terlalu selesa hingga tertidur.. kalau nak cerita pasal zaman persekolahan ni memang panjang. aku suka sanagt nak ingat balik mase sekolah dulu tapi mesti lepas tu layan blues.. tapi alhamdulillah.. tidak banyak penyesalan yang aku ingat2... maksudnya zaman remaja aku best la jugak. hihihi.. even part yang xbest mase tu pun da jadik best bile ingat balik.. kes english night.. hahaha.. aku yakin xde sape akan lupa insident malam tu. nnt la aku citer balik. sampai hari ni kalau dengar lagu viva forever dari spice girls atau dreams dari the corr.. aku nak sangat tengok orang2 yang kutuk abis kitorg time tuh skg.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

mencari kawan baik

assalamualaikum.. (tetibe alim la pulak) dah agak lame lak tak tulis pape kat blog nih.. cuti mmg bz.. seyes x tipu.. jumaat yang hari last persekolahan sebelum cuti tu, bunyik je loceng trus shoot g KK.. lepak KK seminggu.. patotnye fly g kl pagi sabtu tp tetibe mood nk fly drop to zero. tiket tu da beli bulan 6 tahun 2008. mase tu takwim persekolahan 2009 tak kuar lagi tapi dengan keterreran penakulanku aku, tepat pulak perkiraan aku untuk cuti pertengahan penggal. so dapat la tiket murah.. tapi last2 terbazir camtu je sebab aku rase xde mood nak travel. i just want to lazy around so pegi KK lepak kat umah sewa adik. hehehe.. disamping membuang mase di kk, ingatkan nak mengusha2 barang nak wat door gift majlis nanti..hehe.. bajet kreatif tp usaha jugak buat-buat kreatif sebab nak jimatkan kos. dan hasilnya? jang..jeng..jeng.. bolehlah dibanggekan.. hehehe.. so nnt bile sume dah selamat blehla wat wat post tentang cara-cara membuat door-gift untuk perkahwinan yang murah tetapi nampak mahal. sekarang xleh nak reveal lagi sebab konon2 nak bagi surprise. hihihi.. hmm.. nampaknye entri yang lepas tu mcm xbest je. ye la kan.. kat atas tu da awal2 lagi warning.. may be interpreted differently. dan memang pun da ade yang xfaham2. tp biasa lah.. banyak je yang komen sesedap rase. pastu wat mcm seolah2 aku ni da terpesong akidah. lantak la. aku malas nak layan. making somebody looking stupid doesnt makes you smarter. tak cukup comment, siap post kat shout out. pastu siap sms lagik. aku nih jahil2 pun masih kenal apa tu akidah. dahla. malas nak komen2. xbest pun. mari syok sendirik cerita pasal diri sendirik. kalau orang yang tak kenal aku biasenye akan cop aku sombong. jenis xlayan alam sekitar dan alam sekeliling. dan aku memang sangat memilih kawan. maksud aku kawan yang betul2.. bukan setakat kenalan.. bagi aku la.. setakat kenalan ramai.. tapi nak jadik kawan aku agak memilih. aku tau karakter aku dan aku tau ape yang kena dan tak kena dengan aku. so memang aku x ramai kawan. tapi aku rase aku xde musuh. tu yang aku tau. bagi aku senang je, kalau aku rase aku xsuke nak kawan dengan orang tuh (bukan sebab die jahat atau ape..tapi biase lah manusia..ade je kelemahan kan..mungkin kelemahan aku sbb xmampu nak suke sume org) aku xkan nak buat2 mcm nak kawan.. bukanye aku cari gado ke.. masam2 dengan die.. maksud aku, aku layan mcm biasa..cuma xwujudkan jambatan persahabatan la.. haih.. paham tak korang nih? keh keh keh.. mcm la ramai yg bace. perasan. huhu.. aku dulu 5 tahun dok hostel pastu plus 5 thn lagi mase kat menara gading.. ceewah.. dlm mase ni aku mula kenal diri aku melalui pergaulan aku ngn kenalan-kenalan dan kwn2.. dan aku mmg cukup xsuka dan berkenan dengan klik2 yang xde keje lain asik cerite pasal budak lelaki.. ntah pape je.. mcm xde life sendirik. tapi aku xde la pg kritik diorg depan2 seperti "weh! korg ni xde topik laen ke? asik2 name si XXXXX.. asik2 name si YYYYY. mcm da miang sgt".. sume tu hanya aku mampu luahkan dalam hati je.. so, bile aku tau klik tu mcm tu, usually aku akan just being nice je la.. xde la niat nk masuk geng. tp still berbaik2 cume xnak campur sgt. tp nasib baik mase kat u ade gak dak pompuan yg sekepale ngn aku. act xsekepale jugak.. same2 xsuke citer psl bdk lelaki. hihi.. karakter tak same tp kire leh ngam sbb masing2 tau batas2 seorang kawan dan masih ade sikap saling menghormati batas seorang kawan. dan yang aku paling suke pasal kawan aku ni.. die x berpure2.. ade satu mase tu aku amatlah ditimpa masalah yang amat menyayat hati.. die xdtg pun dgn aku gosok2 aku ke atau nangis same2.. die layan aku mcm biase je. tp sikit pun aku x kecik ati. tp aku tau die amek berat sbb die umpan aku ngn nasik ayam bibik dekat kafe atau selalu pure2 ajak kuar men boling walaupun mate aku mase tuh dah bengkak mcm bola golf. hahaha.. dan kerana die jugak la aku dpt membawak kereta dengan terernya dalam masa tak sampai 2 minggu pegang stereng kereta. ade ke patot time mate aku blur2 kerana kolam mataku pecah die g sewa kete dan ajar aku driving??? pastu die dok blakang sebab die kate lebih selamat. sedikit pon die tak menjerit ketakutan mase aku reverse selaju 80km/k atau brek mengejut dengan daya impuls 10000 N. she is really cool. rindu plak dengan kawan sorang nih. ok la. sekian.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

medical check-up and tamu in kudat

Last Wednesday I went to medical check up for the pelantikan tetap. Thanks to Diana a.k.a Wawa for booking the appointment for me. You are so gorgeous.. Ehem.. I mean kind.. hehe.. but yes.. Diana is gorgeous. She is not just pretty, but she is attractive and confident. That’s why she is gorgeous.

Maybe I can claim something from her for the promo. Hehehe..

Anyway, about the medical check-up. She went to the GH early in the morning to make the booking but lucky enough we got the appointment for today. Hurray! Thanks to her. :)

She came over to school in the morning just to tell me the appointment is on 10.30 am. It was 10.00 am when she told me.. (This in a big deal because Diana is in afternoon session) It was quite surprising because usually you have to make a booking a week earlier before the appointment day.

I almost couldn’t make it since my offer letter was still kept by one of the clerk and they were having a meeting with the Boss so I couldn’t interfere the meeting. I was so sad because I thought I couldn’t make it to day. It was 11.30 when the meeting ended and the clerk gave the offer letter to me straight away. With hope, I drove to the GH and praying that they still reserve the appointment for me. To make my day better, they did reserve the appointment! Thanks god! :)

But the funny thing is we force ourselves to drink cold drinks to make us pee. And it works!

So, here is the tips : drink cold drinks before going to the medical check up. Don’t forget to ask for two sample container since you need two samples! Fuh!

On the happier note :D

I experienced tiredness and excitement at the same time. My wedding-preps hunting today was less stressful. Thanks to eliza for keeping me a company :) (though I know her initial plan was going to tamu *wink* ;) ) I went back from school at about 4pm. It was quite late for a teacher since school session ends at 1235. I needed to distribute the meeting invitation for tomorrow’s meeting.

My initial plan was I just wanted to go the the boutique which I thought ok and make my booking but eliza kept telling me to take a look at other place as well. For a record, I just only surveyed 2 boutiques. So, since she was so persistent ;) I followed her ‘advice’ and went to take a look at the boutique.

It was like wow. I like the boutique too. Just like I do with the other two boutique I went before. LOL. So actually, quite indirectly.. eliza did double my confusion. Hehe.. but in a good way of course! I thanked her for that. She just showed me choices that I have :)

As the conclusion, I didn’t make any booking today. And tomorrow I’ll have to go and really discuss the pricing before confirm the book. And I might..just might asked the make-up artist to do my face and see the result :) of course I don’t want to pay for nothing! Hehe.. so fussy me, kan?

Anyway, after that we went to tamu and bought some kuih and went bac home and I cooked tom yam ayam. I finally cook the tomyam that I really can proud of! *shiny eyes* hehe.. at last I know where is the lacking in my tomyam that the taste is never like the one I ate in JB. I’m so can’t wait to show off my talent.

Eliza, just wait. You will get the chance to taste my super tomyam. Hehehe..

*tamu is like a pasar tani in penisular Malaysia. In kudat, tamu is held starting on Tuesday (in the evening) and ends on the afternoon the next day. The day may vary according to the place. Different place..different tamu day.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I went to tamu after the urine test.....

Last Wednesday I went to medical check up for the pelantikan tetap. Thanks to Diana a.k.a Wawa for booking the appointment for me. You are so gorgeous.. Ehem.. I mean kind.. hehe.. but yes.. Diana is gorgeous. She is not just pretty, but she is attractive and confident. That’s why she is gorgeous.

Maybe I can claim something from her for the promo. Hehehe..

Anyway, about the medical check-up. She went to the GH early in the morning to make the booking but lucky enough we got the appointment for today. Hurray! Thanks to her. :)

She came over to school in the morning just to tell me the appointment is on 10.30 am. It was 10.00 am when she told me.. (This in a big deal because Diana is in afternoon session) It was quite surprising because usually you have to make a booking a week earlier before the appointment day.

I almost couldn’t make it since my offer letter was still kept by one of the clerk and they were having a meeting with the Boss so I couldn’t interfere the meeting. I was so sad because I thought I couldn’t make it to day. It was 11.30 when the meeting ended and the clerk gave the offer letter to me straight away. With hope, I drove to the GH and praying that they still reserve the appointment for me. To make my day better, they did reserve the appointment! Thanks god! :)

But the funny thing is we force ourselves to drink cold drinks to make us pee. And it works!

So, here is the tips : drink cold drinks before going to the medical check up. Don’t forget to ask for two sample container since you need two samples! Fuh!

On the happier note :D

I experienced tiredness and excitement at the same time. My wedding-preps hunting today was less stressful. Thanks to eliza for keeping me a company :) (though I know her initial plan was going to tamu *wink* ;) ) I went back from school at about 4pm. It was quite late for a teacher since school session ends at 1235. I needed to distribute the meeting invitation for tomorrow’s meeting.

My initial plan was I just wanted to go the the boutique which I thought ok and make my booking but eliza kept telling me to take a look at other place as well. For a record, I just only surveyed 2 boutiques. So, since she was so persistent ;) I followed her ‘advice’ and went to take a look at the boutique.

It was like wow. I like the boutique too. Just like I do with the other two boutique I went before. LOL. So actually, quite indirectly.. eliza did double my confusion. Hehe.. but in a good way of course! I thanked her for that. She just showed me choices that I have :)

As the conclusion, I didn’t make any booking today. And tomorrow I’ll have to go and really discuss the pricing before confirm the book. And I might..just might asked the make-up artist to do my face and see the result :) of course I don’t want to pay for nothing! Hehe.. so fussy me, kan?

Anyway, after that we went to tamu and bought some kuih and went bac home and I cooked tom yam ayam. I finally cook the tomyam that I really can proud of! *shiny eyes* hehe.. at last I know where is the lacking in my tomyam that the taste is never like the one I ate in JB. I’m so can’t wait to show off my talent.

Eliza, just wait. You will get the chance to taste my super tomyam. Hehehe..

*tamu is like a pasar tani in penisular Malaysia. In kudat, tamu is held starting on Tuesday (in the evening) and ends on the afternoon the next day. The day may vary according to the place. Different place..different tamu day.

Monday, March 02, 2009


i went for the wedding package hunt this evening. gosh! now i can already feel the stress of planning a wedding. i'm not planning for a big and glamorous wedding... all i want is just a simple, nice wedding but surely a memorable one.. and of course, i stick to a tight budget. trying to spend as little as possible. i know it sounds difficult but believe that there is always a way. i had this 20-minutes convesation with my friend who is also a bride-to-be real soon. i wish her luck and bunch of happiness :) love you lynn.. thanks for helping me out. well, i asked her about her preps and believe me. i sound like i am going to marry sooner than her. hehe. the wedding packages are really confusing. its not that i dont understand the package. but i just soo clouded by the purpose to spend soo much money for a day event. remember. i am trying hard to stick on a tight budget. (tu la.. duit x cukup lagi.. sebok nak kawen ;p *wink*) to make it short. 1. i want a beautiful photo. 2. in order to capture a pretty shot, i must have pelamin yang cantik and a great photographer. sounds like a big investment :( 3. pelamin yang cantik surely cost a lot of money 4. a great photographer surely will cost you more :( these are my concern. i have no worries about the food since i'll held my wedding ceremony at kampung so food will be prepared by the sedara mara. to double my list, lynn added a few more on my list ;) 5. canopy? (i cant squeeze all my guests in the small house. dad doesnt agree a wedding at the any-hall.) 6. meja makan beradab? (since i hire no caterer, this is going to be a bit challenging.) urghh.. i need to nap for a while..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

adus.. tagged by kak nozie

da lame sgt da pending nak balas tag kak nozie neh......

1. Anda rasa anda hot?

hot and spicy?? hehe..

2. Upload gambar kegemaran anda.

3. Kenapa anda suka gambar ini? sbb ni gamba candid wajah i yang paling cantek.. hehe

4. Bila kali terakhir anda makan pizza? kat kuatan ms cuti CNY. tp pastu tobat da insaf.. xmakan pizza da...

5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar. xingat la...

6. Apa yang sedang anda buat selain daripada selesaikan tag ini? stadi (T__T) atau tido kot..

7. Selain nama anda sendiri, apakah lagi nama yang anda suka orang panggil anda? jinik

8. Tag lagi 5 orang (tak bleh tag orang yang sama tau) org lain cumer dh buat tag nieh. boleh tak tanak tag org lain???

  1. anggerek
  2. lynto'
  3. adani
  4. ejat
  5. huda abdullah sani

9. Siapa orang nombor 1? ex-school mate masa sekolah menengah dulu. penah dok sedorm. aku suke name die sbb ade unsur2 klasik... namenye ialah gabungan hidupan dua alam yang indah tau.. hehe..

10. Orang nombor 3 ada hubungan dengan sesiapa? da tunang da.. loving couple as always.. sweet gitu.. ;)

11. Kata sesuatu berkenaan dengan orang nombor 5. kwn mase kat utm.. mase aku dpli aku, die n wani jenjalan cr pasal kat melaka. seronok x hengat time tu.. dua hari satu malam dengan bajet rm 150 shj! ( tahap kewangan amatlah meruncing...)

12. Bagaimana pulak dengan orang nombor 4? ejat ni kenal dlm dunia blog ni la.. hihi.. bakal chef ni.. blog die best.. 13. Siapakah orang nombor 2? name pn ala2 manje kan?? kitorg mmg bff.. ;) muke ala2 jepun gitu... dan die ni sgt kreatif.. feveret cikgu maimun masa sejarah form 3 dulu.. hahaha...


Sunday, January 18, 2009

if you are a fireman.....

test yourself :) imagine this. you are a fireman. your job is to save lives. or so that we've been told. one day your department receives an emergency call from a civilian that reports a building is on fire somewhere. you and your team rush to the scene and the fire is already at its worst stage. you and your team try to control the situation from getting worse. suddenly you heard a cry from the building screaming for help. you can see the victim's eyes pleading for your mercy. if you don't get in, the victim will be burnt to death. if you rush inside, the chance to get through the fire is only 40%; either for the victim or you yourself. what are you going to do? take the 60% chance to die with the victim as hero;leaving your family that depends on you behind? or; choose the 40% chance and bear the guilt.

Monday, January 12, 2009

it's never late to start on something new. isn't it? i guess so.. 2008 is gone for almost two weeks time and here i am trying to wrap up everything before starting on my 2009 resolution. 2008 has been kind to me.. in fact, i believe that major changes happened through out that year. i still remember my first day at school. i wasn't very excited. in fact, i wasn't excited at all.. i remembered feeling grumpy and sad at the same time. it's all because i was thousand miles away from my syg. almost the whole week, syg tried to comfort me and he made an effort to do just that. i know how some guys need like a mega force to do just sweet-talk the loved ones. and i really appreciate the effort. as days go by, i started to feel the comfort. i started to like the school and eerything around me. and syg made effort to visit me means a world for me. but the year itself marks a big challenge to me. how i learnt to forgive and still trying hard to forget. somehow, from that point on, things we're not as it used to be. i mean for my self or is it in me? i just hope 2009 offers something that can makes me forget the whole circumtances. and 2008 witnessed my engagement to the man whom i've known since i was 13 years old but only dating for less than 2 years. people keep telling me that getting engaged is something big and i have to face it with patience. thanks to the reminder and it is indeed true. we've been in a long distance relationship since the first time we declared our love and promises but this time it is totally different. sometimes i lose it. but friends around me keep me strong. i could never thanked you enough.. and here i am in 2009... how do i say this.. it started out just ok.. maybe not as good as i expected. but i think it's too early to judge since 2009 is just began and i still have 353 days ahead of me. and my resolution? let's just say i want to keep it to my self for now :) have a happy day everyone..

Saturday, January 10, 2009

happy birhthday to me...

i'm enjoying the remaining few hours before midnight. year by year, people come and go. some of them stayed with us. they became our best friends. sharing our ups and down. laughter and tears. some people smile with satisfaction at the beginning of their new chapter of life. some people welcome their new chapter of life. some people are reluctant for the new chapter. some people don't even realize about the becoming of the new chapter. some are scared. some are eager. me? i cant translate myself. but somehow i have to admit that i'm nervous of thinking what awaits ahead of my new chapter. not that i'm not happy or being ungrateful but trails that i left behind keep remind me of how little i have done for people around me or myself. i have so little to offer yet so demanding. every begining of a new chapter, i hope to face them with the one whom i truly love. i just hope that they forget that its my birthday but somehow they miss me for no reason specifically on my birthday. happy birthday to me :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

kenapa dalam dunia ni ada orang dengki?

entri ni mungkin emo sikit. aku xtau la kenapa sapoaku aka mr terlalu dengki atau mcm xpuas hati dgn aku. (rujuk chatbox dengan comment pada entri kuidam keletihan) utk pengetahuan, identiti sapoaku atau mr ni 'kami' dah tau. 'kami' sudah berbincang dan menyimpulkan 'dia'lah 2 identiti itu. sebab apa? sebab aku xpernah ada kenalan jauh sekali status kawan yang ada mulut jahat mcm ni. aku pun xpasti la apa yang die mcm dengki sgt atau xpuas hati sgt dengan aku sebab aku yakin dalam sedar aku xde pulak kacau hidup dia. in fact, mungkin makhluk ni xpuas hati sebab pernah tolak pelawaan join aktiviti dia satu ketika dulu yang bagi aku sooo childish and stupid. blog ni aku buat utk share update aku or cerita2 merapu aku dengan kawan2 yg lain. so,kalau la sapoaku a.k.a mr ni rasa meluat baca blog ni, silakan jalan. pergi lah isi masa lapang anda dengan aktiviti yang biasa anda buat tanpa menyusahkan orang lain. aku akan teruskan tulis apa jugak yg aku suka kat blog aku ni. sebab ini blog aku. kalau ko nak mem'bitching', sila pergi tempat lain. p/s : tak faham kenapa ada makhluk macam ni di dunia ni.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Kuidam keletihan

sekarang ni dah masuk bulan ke3. Alhamdulillah sebab tak banyak sangat masalah tapi dengar-dengar cekgu-cekgu kat skolah tu cakap kalau masa mengandung ni senang, nanti masa deliver tu susah. Ye ke? Cuak jugak tapi tawakkal je la.. kalau borak-borak pasal ni je mesti dua soalan wajib ditanya. Morning sickness kuat tak? Mengidam ape? Hurmm... kedua-dua soalan tuh wat saya terkesima kejap. Morning sickness kuat ke tak? kalau kuat tu macam mane? Biase-biase tu mcm mane? Takde penanda aras ;) hehehe.. Tapi biasenye jawapan saya.. Morning sickenss takde sangat.. sikit-sikit loya je.. Yang terkeluar tu pun sebab makan terlebih kut.. hehe.. Yang soalan mengidam ni lagi la susah nak jawab. Macma mana nak bezakan mengidam sebab pregnant atau memang dah gelojoh kuat makan? Adakah definisi mengidam itu adalah perasaan atau gerak hati untuk makan atau minum sesuatu khas bagi orang mengandung? Ataupun ada ciri-ciri khas yang menunjukkan itu adalah mengidam bagi bakal ibu? Pun saya pening. Semalam ade borak dengan Kak Ina. die tanye dua soklan cepu emas tu. Tapi yang pasal megidam tu die ade pengalaman sendirik. Die kate anak perempuan die da umur 2 tahun tapi air lir masih meleleh. Die pun tak ingat ape bende yang die mengidam tapi tak lepas. Masa tu baru teringat macam pernah ade orang cakap kalau ape yang diidam tak dapat, nanti air liur baby asyik meleleh. Ingatkan gurauan jek.... (:| so, nasihat Kak Ina, kalau ade terasa nak makan ape je, baik terus makan. Jadi, maksudnya tak payah la sebok nak cari definisi mengidam tu. makan je ape-ape yang terlintas nak makan. Hari tu masa kat labuan 'mengidam' nak makan fries McD. Ceeewaah... western lak selera baby nih.. hehe.. Ade gak terlintas nak makan pulut ngan kelapa parut tapi pikir balik isk.. takkanlah aku nak makan pulut kut.. bukan fevret aku.. ni kire mase kat labuan la.. lagipun mase tu suami ajak buka puasa kat manja rasa.. so, kire tak layan la.. tapi lepas borak ngan Kak Ina semalam, tadi trus request kat mak nak pulut. Hehe.. walaupun makan sedikit je, tapi rasenye cukup kut. Janji merasa ;) Tapi yang paling ketara masa mengandung ni ialah tahap keletihan yang tak munasabah. Baru jalan pusing kat bazar tu da tercungap-cungap. Masa BTN hari tu kumpulan saya kena nanyi lagi Tanggal 31.. hah.. ambek ko.. baru satu lagu da tercungap-cungap.. Balik je dari skolah jangan cakap la.. Confirm terbongkang tido tak hengat.. tapi rasanya sekarang ni alhamdulillah.. da kurang sikit penat yang macam tu.. tapi sakit kepala tu tak macam teman setia pulak. Mood swing? Entah la.. sebab saya memang azali garang.. hahaha.. tak la.. tapi sikit-sikit ade la kut ;p. tapi sekarang ni hati mudah tersentuh.. tengok oprah nangis.. tengok anime furit basket pun nangis.. tengok anime yamato nadeshiko pun nangis!! aduii.. tapi bukan la nangis yang meraung-raung.. cuma ade la titisan-titisan embun.. hahaha.. So, moral of the story, hati-hati dengan ibu mengandung. So fragile. ;) Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa :) ...

Monday, August 31, 2009

31 Ogos Hari Merdeka

Suramnya sambutan 31 Ogos tahun ini. Di kaca televisyen tidak banyak iklan kemerdekaan. Siaran berunsurkan kenegaraan dan semangat patriotik juga kurang. Walaubagaimanapun saya gembira tiada konsert pada tahun ini ;) Maaf kepada yang meminati konsert tetapi saya rasa ianya kurang relevan. Ini pendapat peribadi. Saya bersetuju dengan sambutan yang lebih rohaniah. Walaubagaimanapun, semangat cintakan negara saya masih kuat. Sambutan kemerdekaan itu hanyalah satu bentuk memperingati tetapi terjemahan semangat patriotik adalah sepanjang masa. Berdiri tegak dan rasa megah ketika mendengar lagu Negaraku berkumandang itu menunjukkan patriotik. Rasa bertanggungjawab terhadap keamanan negara itu patriotik. Menghargai keamanan yang kita kecapi itu patriotik. Menghormati perlembagaan negara atas dasar cinta negara dan mengenang pembentukan Malaysia itu patriotik. Sensitif terhadap sentimen kaum dan kepercayaan agama itu patriotik. Menghormati nilai dan budaya kaum lain itu patriotik. Kemerdekaan bukanlah untuk diraikan semata-mata tetapi lebih kepada mengekalkan. Salam perpaduan :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

bye bye labuan

sy selamat mendarat di KKIA pukul 1235 tghr. Walaupun labuan tu boring, tp berat hati nak tinggalkan labuan. at the moment, i 'm feeling down :( hmm.. lamany nak tgu raya.....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Baby Language by Priscilla Dunstan

Please watch until the end. Starting 3:15 :)

I’m so lucky today for being bored that leads me to turn on the tv and tune to the Hallmark channel. It was like Allah answers my wonders and showing me the answer to my worry of becoming a mum - baby's cry.

It’s not that I worry about the baby cries. That’s the only way the baby communicates to us - through the cries or at least that was what I thought. What concerns me more is how I will get to understand my baby needs when mums and their babies usually don’t speak the same language.

I discover a major solution to this through Oprah’s show today – and yes, I’m a fan of Oprah. Good for me :)

The whole amazing, wonderful, superb discovery is found by Priscilla Dunstan, an Australian who is gifted with photographic memory since she was a child. She can memorize all facts from the learning in school without having to take down notes and she could hear a Mozart concert on the piano played by her mother only once and play it back note for note with her violin. After being a mum herself, she benefits her gifted ability for sound and pick out certain patterns in her baby-Tom cries and then remember what those patterns were later on when the baby cried again.

She has tested over a million babies from around the globe and come to a conclusion that - there are five words that all babies 0–3 months old say—regardless of race and culture.

The five words or sound made by babies are :

1. Neh - means “I’m hungry”

2. Eh - means the baby needs to burp

3. Heh - means the baby is in discomfort

4. Eair - means the baby need to lower wind/gas

5. Owh - simply means “I’m sleepy”

She said that these are not the babies’ cries but more to pre-cries sounds which is logically the babies are actually ask nicely at the first place for whatever they needs and when our action doesn’t meet their needs, they will really cry. So, that means mums will have to always listen to their babies BEFORE the baby cries.

Owh.. i wish i could share more..

Monday, August 24, 2009

puasa di rantauan

husband is at work and i'm so bored. I called him just to asked what time he'll be home (even though i already knew) and told him that i was bored. i've no transportation to wander around so i stuck at home. hubby suggestion was watching the tv but nothing is interesting on tv and i'm so done with surfing. i finished watching two movies and now i just dont know what to do. fyi, i'm in Labuan right now. I just arrived here yesterday and this is my first time being here in Labuan. So funny because Labuan used to be part of Sabah but i never set my feet here. If not for my husband's job, i don't know when will i reach labuan. alaa.. boringnya entri nih. nampak sgt writer pun memang tgh boring. *note : buy some interesting reading material to kill time
Selamat menyambuat Ramadhan & Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

please click here

i dont know how to write about this one.. so, just click the link if you wish to know :) wish me well :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

tag datang lagi....

I'm tagged by Ms B... 1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah: *semuanya background computer science* 2. Saya sedang mendengar: bunyi pintu dlm makmal 3. Mungkin saya patut: jadi surirumah sepenuh masa & bisnes sendirik 4. Saya suka: Berehat di rumah & tgk tv 5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya: anggap kelemahan sy sbg signature diri sy 6. Saya tak faham: kenapa orang susah nak nilai sesuatu secara objektif 7. Saya kehilangan: xperasan pulak apa yg hilang.. 8. Ramai yang berkata: saya sombong dan tegas 9. Makna nama saya: errr... fair lady? 10. Cinta itu adalah: bila ia melengkapi 11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang: mengajar(?) 12. Saya akan cuba: siapakan kerja2 sy yg tertangguh sbb pegi kursus minggu lepas :( 13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud selama-lamanya(?) 14. Telefon bimbit saya: SE k800i. murah & berfungsi :) 15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur: tekan snooze pada alarm 16. Saya paling meluat apabila: orang bertalam dua muka. 17. Pesta/Parti adalah: sesuatu yang sy tidak gemari 18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah: xingat 19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah: buat masa ni masa2 di sekolah menengah & matrikulasi 20. Hari ini: sgt bosan sbb kelas ade 1 je pastu hari hujan... ZZzzzzZZ 21. Malam ini saya akan: Buat DLP (daily lesson plan) 22. Esok pula saya akan: Ke SM Teknik untuk bengkel skema pemarkahan 23. Saya betul-betul inginkan: Untuk berhenti kerja dan duduk di rumah menjaga anak saya, sambil membiarkan simpanan saya membuat pulangan yang cukup untuk membiayai kos pembelanjaan kami. ( pinjam ayat Ms B. this is sooooooooo true) 24. Ketika saya lihat wajah saya di hadapan cermin pagi ini: namapak muka letih..... 25. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan: Pusat membeli belah. 26. Makanan Barat atau Jepun: Barat. 27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap: Gelap 28. Makanan segera adalah: kurang bernutrisi 29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang? ok. 30. Siapa yang anda mahu tag? org yg agak2 sudi balas tag nih.. en cerpelai, mama mahirah, adani

Monday, July 20, 2009

please copy and forward the content of this post to your friend in 3 days or you'll be curse forever

scary and annoying title. aku masih ingat lagi masa aku sekolah rendah dulu, ada sorang makhluk yang entah la sapa telah menyebarkan satu surat yang aku sudah xingat apa isi kandungannya. tp yang aku tak akan lupa ialah unsur-unsur ugutan di akhir helaian tu. surat tu kononnya telah berusai beratus2 tahun. bunyiknya lebih kurang.. " anda mesti menyebarkan hal ini. sebarkan kepada *** orang nescaya anda akan mendapat tuah yang banyak.. jika anda mengabaikan pesanan ini anda dan keluarga anda bakal mendapat kecelakaan yang amat dahsyat.. bla bla bla.." lebih kurang begitu lah maksudnya.. masa tu UPSR pun x lepas lagi.. siapa lah aku ini.. sebagai kanak2 yang sayangkan keluarga aku pun kaget. aku ada jugak ingat nak tapuk2 (sembunyik2) pegi kedai fotostat nk fotostat surat berantai tuh dan masukkan dala peti surat sape2 je janji culup kuota (bapakku keje kat pej pos.. heheheh) tapi oleh kerana belanja sekolahku xcukup menampung harga fotostat yg seingat aku agak mahal time tuh.. aku tawakkal je la.. so, aku cepat2 bagi bapak aku baca time tuh. mane tau bpk aku bg duit suh g fotostat.. tapi aku tersilap perkiraan.. xpasal2 aku pulak kena ceramah. bpk aku kata tu surat berantai.. walaupun bpkku bukanlah alim ulama, tapi ayat yang membuatkan aku terpk bila bpk aku tny.. surat tu yg berkuasa atau tuhan? erk... (bapakku penceramah hebat o_O) lepas diberikan 'taklimat ringkas oleh bapakku', bapak aku suh buang kertas tuh. terpaksa la aku buang. masa berlalu.. aku da xingat pasal surat tuh.. hinggalah kebelakangan ni aku selalu dapat emel2 yang isi kandungannya baik.. berunsurkan nasihat dan ingatan. mungkin mesej pengirim asal mahu mesej itu disampaikan dan tidak terputus. tapi tu tidak menghalang aku jadik bengang kalau pada penghujung pesanan atau ingatan tuh ade je unsur2 ugutan suh forward kalau x forward kamu ni adalah bla bla bla (semua sifat jahat) dan akan dihujani malang dsb selama bla bla bla. ada pulak yg isi kandungan yg lbh kurang bermaksud " kalau x forward anda bukan muslim sejati la.. xsayangkan agama la... " apa ni weiii????? senang2 je label iman orang lain..isk isk isk.. aku mcm x faham dan bengang. kenapa benda2 yang baik selalu dicampuradukkan dengan yang tak baik(?). seriously, kalau aku dpt emel camtu.. kirim salam je la.. kalaulah ade yg aku terforward.. tu dengan ikhlasnya sebab aku rasa contentnya sgt penting.. sejak kene ceramah ngn bapak aku dulu tu.. aku mmg yakin surat dan sumpahan tu tidak membawa kesan apa2. kalau la kita di timpa malang.. tu semua kehendak dan kuasa Allah semata2.. mungkin kalau terkena dlm masa2 terdekat anda terima surat atau emel2 berantai tu.. tu hanya kebetulan semata2.. so, saya ingan membuat cadangan kepada kawan2.. kalau dapat emel yang ada unsur2 ugutan di akhir pesanan dan ingatan yang murni.. mungkin boley di edit dengan memadam part yang menyakitkan hati itu sebelum nak foward kepada member lain. kalau x boleh edit tapi nak jugak forward, copy and paste lah. p/s : kalaupun sumpahan mengarut tuh betul, aku xakan jugak send kat kawan2.. sebab, bukankah selfish menghantar emel yang menyusahkan dan seolah2 menyumpah kawan2 sendiri? i love u friends...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

TORA datang lagi....

Salam semua :) ceewah.. ala2 ade peminat gitu.. sedar tak sedar (sebenarnya sedar) dah hampir DUA bulan blog ni sunyi.. dah ade member2 yg tanye perkembangan terkini.. heheh.. ok la.. stret to de point. so, majlis perkahwinan hari tu alhamdulillah.. berjalan dengan baik. walaupun pada siang harinya BLACKOUT!! huh. ape la sabah electricity ni.. x bagi chance langsung! T__T nasib bik menjelang petang tu da ada balik.. penat memang penat. terutama skali family husband yang baru sampai pd petang jumaatnya dan bertolak balik ke semananjung pada hari lusanya iaitu hari ahad. penat memang penat. awal pagi ahad harinya husband and family betolak balik ke semenanjung. :( so.. saya ditinggalkan menghabiskan cuti sekolah yang berbaki seminggu lagi. saya cume hantar sampai airport je. nak ikut pun xde gune jugak..sbb husband bertugas. xde cuti. kesimpulannya, husband & family datang weekend tuh semata2 nak kawen je.. alkisahnya.. apepun hepi sgt.. ramai jugak rombongan dari family husband. ade dekat 20 orang. siap sewa van lagi. hehe.. sy betul2 berterima kasih kepada family terutama parents n adik beradik. almaklum la.. adat kg sy ni konon2nye bakal pengantin xleh jlan jauh2 la... xleh kuar rumah la seminggu.. mcm2.. so da pening sgt sbb brg bnyk x beli, pesan je la kat ena ngn atik (adik yg keje kat kl). they all are very helpful and sgt laaaa bersabar dengan list barang yang mcm kalau binding boleh lawan tebal thesis phD. hahaha.. pastu nak angkut barang satu hal plak.. nasib baik la xde yg koma tersepit kat celah barang dalam perjalanan dr airport ke kg. tq girlsss... pastu xcukup pesan kt kl pesan plak kat adik yang praktikal kt kk. lia. pesan barang sikit2 je la. sbb die xde transport nk merayau carik barang. tp apepun semangat shopping adik2ku boleh dibanggekan. hahah.. kakak aku plak bab kat dapo n emergency banker. heheheh.. kalau rase2 xsempat nak g atm MINTAK aje ngn die.. trimassss....... ;) pastu herda plak selaku interior designer bersama atik ngn lia (makcik cleaner bersama cikin dan ela) yang sabar dengan karenahku tentang hiasan2.. tp mmg best sbb aku leh suh diorg wat ape2 pon.. diorg wat je.. hehehe.. n mak ngn bapak sy pun sgt aktif untuk persediaan2 akhir.. terima kasih diucapkan.. i love u all.. *muah* hanya Allah saja yang mampu membalas jasa semua yg membantu. terasa sgt diri disayangi T____T *terharu* .... husband pun skg da abis training kat labuan. so skg OJT kat labuan. alhamdulillah. dekat sket. :) majlis belah kuarga husband pun da selamat berlangsung 27 jun lepas. atas sebab-sebab yang memang xboleh nak elak langsung kecuali nak labur lagi 2k kat air asia, majlis dijalankan pd hr isnin. tp surprise!surprise! raainye org. in fact lg ramai drp mase wat kat kg i hr tu. huhu. alhamdulillah.. ni la untungnya tgk dlm komuniti yg peka kepada jiran2... :) yg belah sane pun sanding jugak. sonok.. tp keluhan same.. penat.. (nampak tak yg sy sgt la takut penat???) adik2 ipar2 pun sume sporting2.. alhamdulillah. ade org ckp dok kat umak mentua panas punggung.. tp sy rase hepi je ;) rase mcm dok umah sendiri. bukankan itu yg sepatutnya? :) majlis belah sane sy amek cuti seminggu..sbb husband pn cuti seminggu.. sempat la melencong ke cameroon highland. kebetula plak papa (parent angkat yg sangat prihatin) ade mesyuarat kat IPD cameroon so kitorg pun BERRRGABUNG.. mama, mc anie, adik ngn irfan pun ade same. so, papa bwk kami ke tmpt yg kalau sy ngn husband je mst x smpi ke tmpt tu.. iaitu kilang teh boh.. hehehe... i love the place sooo much :) and the fresh tea of course. sooo heavenly! mase majlis belah kelantan ni kuarga angkat i mmg banyak membantu. dr kl kitorg konvoi 3 bj kete g kuantan. so stay kat satu umah ala2 homestay. sgt selesa. ni pun mama yg carikkan. malmnye BBQ lagi. tahnks to mama ngn papa. kat kltn plak, mlm 1st tu stay kat umah papa kat machang. mlm tu mama bwk family i ke wakaf che yeh. haa... hambek korg. br tau le,as di lautan TUDUNG dan KAIN yg SUPER MURAH!!! bapak i yg jarang2 mau beli barang tu pun telah merembat beberapa item. mak aku plak da pening2.. ahahahah.. aku? aku surrender.. aku xleh tmpt2 crowded. pening. tp pening2 pun sempat rembat 2-3 bende. hehehe.. oleh sebab majis sy tu hari isnin, mama terpakse memontengkan adik selama 2 hari persekolahan :( sian adik.... lepas dr cameroon tuh ktrg ke kl plak. stay umah cik ngn mak lang. tujuan utama ke kl ialah nak tengok transformers T__T.. sangat berbaloi bangun pagi gosok gigi beratur pukul 9.30 pg utk tgk show kul 10.00 pagiu.. (mcm pantun) tghrnya azuar ngn mahirah ajak kami makan tengah hari di rumah mereka di balakong. so lepas bertarung dengan decepticons kami pun bergegas ke balakong. sedap2 plak hidangan pn mahirah tu.. dessert yag yummy you... hehe.. pastu malam tu plak.. che lah (jiran cik ngn mak lang) ajak kami makan malam kat rumah diorg. terasa mcm hari raya pun ade... alhamdulillah.. murah rezeki.. :) ... anda semua nampak tak.. pada ketika ini saya amat bersyukur kerana menyedari bhw sy sgt diberkati dengan kasih sayang org2 disekeliling sy. walaupun sy rs.. "apelah kebaikan aku da buat smpi rminye org syg aku" T___T walaupun ade bunyik2 perasan tapi itu sgt mengharukan.. oleh itu ini telah memotivasikan sy untuk menjadi org yg lebuh baik,, untuk agama, bangsa, negara, megeri, daerah, kampung dan keluarga. sekian p/s: hambek korg baca smpi kene masak megi sbb lapar bace entri yg panjang n tahpape ;)

Saturday, May 30, 2009


at the very same time on the next saturday i'll be a mrs. i'm so anxious to wait for the big day. the big day is about everything for the past two years. the datings, the crisis, the arguing, the forgiving were all about getting to the big day. and the previous few monts were the most hectic mentally and physically to make sure that the big day event going out smoothly. i just pray for a smooth majlis. i just hope everyone will be happy for us and focusing on the main cause of the big day - tying a knot- maybe the next time i blog i'm not a miss jane anymore. am i prepared?

Thursday, May 28, 2009


sigh.. i've always been very careful when it comes to parking my lil comot. i'm always the one who cannot stand drivers with bad on-road habit. i can never ever admit that it was my fault. i was in KK last 2 weeks with my mom and we went to shopping at Segama for some bridal stuff. I saw an empty parking spot in thr middle of a parking-hunting-battle. i checked for a NO PARKING sign and none is around. So, noticing there was a fading yellowish line, i was convinced that that was a legal parking spot. after spending about 2 hours in the bridal shop, we walked towards the car and we were welcomed by a waving summon ticket slipped under the wiper. urghhh... luckily i was so tried that i couldnt even think about saying something. i just folded the ticket into two and put it in the dashboard and drove home. i forgot about the ticket. until last week, a notice was posted to me here in kudat and i started to panic. they didnt state the amount. what if the very accidental mistake cost me the maximum compound of 300? i was about to write a letter to the IPD that issued the ticket when an idea came to me to checked the summon online. luckily the compound was only rm30 and i just pay the amount. there. finished. urgh. i hate it when i have to deal with remeh temeh stuff like this. sooo irritating. eventhough it's only rm30, but i pay for something not worth it when i could havee get 3 tickets for movie :( grrrrr....

Monday, May 25, 2009

wedding preps update II

even though i always say that i dont want to think about the preps .. malas nak pikir and all.. but obviously my dreams didnt confirm that. past this week, all i colud dream about was anything related to the wedding. sigh. i dont even know what i've been stressed about. or am i in denial that i AM worrying about EVRYTHING. but my repression self-defence mechanism fails to ignore whatever i've been trying to avoid. i dont know about other brides-to-be. do they stressed out as much as i am? or am i just too loud about it? well.. accepting that this is how plain-jane is 'piloted', i feel like.. its ok to do this. whatever la. i hope tomorrow is the BIG day so that i dont have to go through another stressful days. btw, what is that i'm so stress about???

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

weddig preps update

frankly speaking, i dont know if everything i ready but all i know i did wht i could up to this very moment. and the invitation cards? fuh.. thank god they are ready. i still cant concentrate on the preps. school's haunting me. even though i have nothing much to do since this is exam week but still i cant shift my attention to the preps. but tomorro i'll try to make a final to-do list. owh.. i can feel my heart is beating faster.......

Monday, May 18, 2009

happy teachers' day

been quite busy lately.. last 2 weeks i went to another round of meeting and briefing about the PPSMI and the day after went to the police cadet camping at kota belud. it was sooooooo bl***y hot and humid. i have no idea why campings nowadays are held in the less forestry area? where's the fun? as a reward.. i got the 'unwanted' tan skin. urgh.. just thank god that my sun burnt allergy that i used to have during my uni years didnt come out. Or else i'll be treating myself with days of MCs. this is just a simple update.. school is starting the mud year exam. which means more on marking exams papers.. fuh.. on the other note.. i'm not sure about the wedding preps. the cards havent been distibuted YET. end of this week perhaps. the wedding will be in less then 3 weeks! and yes... i feel the tense. sometimes i just activate my ignorance mode. *sigh*

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

entri penat-penat yang malu-malu

buat sekian kalinya aku nak jugak menhebahkan kepada dunia bahawa aku penat lagi hari ini... dan sebagai bonus.. aku telah memenagi satu insiden memalukan pagi ini.. tsk.. tsk.. T__T semalam kan aku penat.. dijadikan cerita, semalam ketua bidang sains & matematik mtk aku gantikan die pegi taklimat pemantauan PPSMI di Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah pukul 8.30 pada esok hari (hari ini le tuh).. dengan senang hati aku akur sebab aku suke pegi taklimat2 nih.. shhhh.. jgn heboh2.. malu kat cekgu2 laen.. aku suke bukan ape.. aku suke nak belajar bende2 baru.. so aku pun semangat.. sebab terlebih semangat, aku x bace pun surat tu betul2.. aku hanya pastikan tarikh, masa, tempat dan ape2 yang perlu dibawa. ye la kan.. semalam kan bz.. so kirenye bace dengan cepat2... pagi2 lagi ake da siap2 kan kelengkapan.. diorg suh bawak laptop aje pun.. so lepas antar mak dn adik aku pg tuh aku trus ke sekolah.. aku guru bertugas minggu ni so kene bunyikan loceng pagi and roll call pagi. tp oleh sebab P.A system down, xjd la sesi nyanyi2 lagu negaraku dan sebagainya.. ok.. xpe.. aku pasrah.. tgk jam... awal lagik.. br kol 650.. utk makluman, sesi persekolahan start kol 6.40 yee.. so.. aku pun cek2 ape2 kerje yg aku bleh setelkan.. so aku setelkan surat2 amaran pelajar.. yess.. aku guru kelas.. mane2 pelajar yg kehadiran tak memuaskan hati2 kami.. aku bg je surat amaran.. ade 5 orang yang dapat surat 'chenta' dari aku. oh lupe. sblm tu aku maklumkan kepada guru yang menguruskan guru ganti tentang ketiadaanku di sekolah yang dijangka sehingga tengahari ni.. so, xde la budak2 kelas aku wat parti dalam kelas.. lepas siap2.. rupenye da kol 7.30.. so aku pun pk aku kene breakfast walaupun x lapar.. takut lapar mase taklimat fikirku.. so aku pun ke kantin.. smpi kat kantin.. pengetua pun ade jugak.. so sambil2 makan karipaap 2 bijik.. and borak lebih kurang aku pun tgk jam da 8 lebih so aku pun mtk excuse and trus g bilik guru nak amek laptop. smpi bilik guru cikgu naron plak (ketua bidang bahasa) dtg tanye sesuatu yan aku dah tak ingat ape die.. selesai... jam da kol 8.15.. aku pun g pej nak tulis name di buku pergerakan staf.. ye la.. mane leh cabut gitu je walaupun ade surat.. sambil2 tulis bertegur sapa dan beramah mesra denga staf kat pejabat tuh.. aku lenggang2 time tu da kol 823. so.. off i went to the PPD. smpi je kat PPD aku tgk da ramai da yg smpi.. mcm penuh la pulak.. mase aku masuk pintu tu ade la sorg guru yg aku kenal dn mengenali aku.. die pun tegur lebih kurang begini.. 'oo.. lantikan baru sudah aaa..' (o.. baru di lantik yee..) aku senyum2.. blur jugak x faham ape yg dimaksudkan. aku pun nmpk cg anuar.. die dulu ketua bidang saing & math kat skolah aku tp da pindah ke PPD so aku pun g dok dkt2 area die iaitu tpt paaaaling depan. die pun mcm terkejut nmpk aku seraya berkata.. Cg. Anuar : "oh.. jadi grur data sudah?" (oh.. da jadik guru data?) plain_me : eh.. ndak la.. wakil cikgu siaw.. ketua bidang.. ( eh.. taklah.. wakil.....bla bla) Cg. Anuar : eh.. sepatutnya guru data yag datang.. plain_me : Ha? ya ka? Cg. Anuar. ya. xperasan kali yang U.P tu.. (mungkin u x perasan untuk perhatian tu) plain_me: alamak.... sy x baca pun.............. di depan tu rupenye ade cikgu kumar yang mmg suka menyakat.. adusss aku malu..... sebab aku sgt semangat buakak laptop aku yang xde fail EMIS pun..... uwaaaaa..... p/s: aku pun kol cikgu data tu utk dtg segera. utk cover malu.. aku dok dgr taklimat tu smpi abis.. :'(( maluuuuu T___T p/s2 : kenapa aku penat hari ini? sebab tghr ade meeting smpi kol 230 pastu iring kadet polis g IPD utk latihan kawad then g amek amk and adik then kol 700 g men badminton smpi kol 10mlm. i'm tired but im HAPPY. tu yg penting! lalalalalala~~~ p/s3: taklimat tu abis kol 930. so lepas jamuan (aku pun ikut tau) aku trus balik skolah dan masuk kelas mengajar seperti biasa seperti taida yg berlaku T__T

Monday, April 20, 2009

penatnyeeee... minggu lepas skolah aku buat perkhemahan kem kepimpinan.. so aku jadik ajk malam kebudayaan merangkap bendahari program. tp aku xde wat pun keje2 bendahari.. hehehe.. mungkin diorg saje letak name aku spy nampak meriah carta organisasi tu.. hehehe.. bajet meriah je.. aku wat keje2 ajk kebudayaan je. so aku ngn 2 cekgu lagi ni ditugaskan sbg ajk kebudayaan yang kejenye carik tema, buat rules and regulation pastu sediakan borang markah and lantik hakim. senang je.. small the pieces kate apek. lagi senang sbb bkn aku ketua. hehehe.. tapi tetibe malam ahad tu kene plak stay back.. kire sentri malam la ni. mule2 aku inga nak ngelat dan melarikan diri.. atas alasan name xde dlm ajk keselmatan.. hihihi.. sekali bile da stat bukak cerita dgn cikgu fabian, diana, zamri n mimie.. macam macam topik kuar.. mule2 layan lagu dulu.. pastu masuk topik2 sekolah.. cinta2 yang gagal, pengalaman2 kelakar, pengalaman seram, masalah sosial setempat, masalah pemimpin tempatan, politik sket2, isu PPSMI, isu rasuah politik, isu tanah2 di sabah yang dijual kepade micheal shumacher dan jackie chan, mengesan buruj2, membandingkan cahaya lampu satelite dengan bintang kejora dan macam2 made.... tup..tup.. da azan subuh... hahahaha.. it was so fun indeed.. lepas kejut peljar2, kitorng sume balik.. aku pon tdo la smpi kol 8.. kol 9 paginye aku drv ke kampung.. perjalanan yg memakan masa 2 jam tuh agak mencabar.. sampai kat kampung aku smbg tdo.. keh keh keh.. kol 3 bgn.. then siap2 kol 4 drv balik lagi ke kudat.. adussss... sgt la letih.. penangannya smpi hari ini.. hr ni aku ade kelas tambahan n latihan koir budak.. so aku stay kat skolah smpi 5.50 ptg. penatnye tuhan je yang tau.. kalau budak sorang je xpe.. 30 budak.. kene lagi hari ni wat experiment.. mcm marathon yang laju memotong 30 orang peserta pecut.. huhu.. smpi je kat umah aku trus mandi2.. lepas je maghrib, trus zzz... (maghrib kat sabah awal ye..) sedar2 bgn kol 930.. so gagahkan diri merapu lebih kurang.. dan skg rase ngntuk balik.. sekian entri ini.

Friday, April 03, 2009

my love for physics

this past two weeks was really tiring.. but i like it. i like being busy with moderate pressure. being under positive pressure increase my productivity.. :) teaching physics is not easy - i have to admit. not only in term of the content and to promote the understanding to the students but mentally of course. i met many people who asked me my job and subject that i teach in school (mostly teachers) and noooone of the like physics during their secondary years T___T The reason? Physics is so hard to learn. ok. i dont deny it. in fact until now, i'm still learning. I took physics as my major subject was not purely because i was so clever and genius or whatever but i teach physics because i loooove the subject. back during my secondary school (yes.. the gooooooood old days again! ;p) WE (friends and i of course) thought that physics is so hard to learn. so hard that i had to fall asleep during the class.. tsk tsk T_T seriously. i dont know why. i couldnt stay awake for the whole period! it wasnt intentional. luckily for me, mr feen (my most fav teacher) didnt scold me. he will just knock the table with the meter rule to wake me up.. hehe.. but one thing i'm proud of myself is even though physics is so hard to learn, i cant deny i'm so amazed by it. and back in those years.. we always discussed why was that physics is sooo hard to learn. and one of us (i couldnt remember who) was telling us that it was so simple. it is because physics teachers are NATURALLY bad in teaching. and that is because physicists are genius and nerd people that usually bad in expressing something let alone teaching.. we were like ooooooohh and aaah.. T__T no wonder.. then we felt sympathy for mr feen. we understood that that wasnt his fault.. it was NATURAL FOR PHYSICS TEACHER TO BE UNABLE TO EXPRESS WHAT HE WANTED US TO LEARN T__T so cute. we forgave our beloved physics teacher and even made excuse for him! arent we cute?? hihihi.. physics is so beautiful. she is like a dear friend that open your eyes about the universe. she answers the wonder of the world. she answers questions that you never ask. most important.. she proves how MIGHTY our CREATOR is. we never realize how close physics to our life. every step that we take.. there is physics in that. we are huaman with mass. and every moving object possesses momentum. momentum is denoted by p. so,
where m is our mass and v is the velocity. doesnt matter how slow we move... we still have the momentum. and when we are sitting oe not moving... we still have forces acting on us.. our wieght and the normal force that cancel out each other that resulting a nett force of zer0. see.. we are so close to physics.. it doesnt matter if we think physics is hard to learn. because thats true. but dont deny that physics is soo interesting and believe me.. i'm still amazed by physics until now. i will never give up on you ..

Friday, March 27, 2009

Bye Bye ST JOHN check 1, 2!!

Pukul 2 tadi aku pegi kat IPD Kudat untuk mesyuarat Hari Kor Kadet Polis ke-39 pada 31 Mac ini. So, bagi mereka di luar sana yang tidah tahu, 25 Mac setiap tahun adalah Hari Polis dan tahun ini adalah sambutan yang ke 202 dan 31 Mac setiap tahun jugak adalah Hari Kor Kadet Polis. Soalannya: Sambutan Hari Kor Kadet Polis yang keberapakah tahun ini? Jawab dalam masa 10 saat...........OK. Masa tamat. Ok. Tak lawak pun. Haih. Kesimpulanya esok dan lusa dan esok kepada lusa dan lusa kepada lusa ini, aku akan sangat sibuk. esok kepada lusa akan ada raptai penuh berbarisan. Skolah aku akan hantar platun sebagai unit kawalan. Kawalan yg ni bukan kawalan macam pak gad. Tapi kira macam platun utama la.. kalau kawad polis betul2 ni adalah platun yang kawad dengan senjata.. smart jugak. Aku harap baju aku yang aku dah tempah dari bulan 9 tahun lalu dan telah bertukar tukang jahit sebanyak 3 kali akan siap hari isnin ini. tapi... sebenarnya aku rindukan kenangan aku bersama st. john (check 1.2!). tak tau kenapa. aku ingat lagi aku dan beberapa kawan aku masuk st john sebab unit beruniform ni tak ramai budak lelaki. aku pun xtau kenape aku xsuke aktiviti yang akan menyebabkan aku kena berinteraksi dengan lelaki. OPPssss.. jangan salah paham ye. aku normal. hahahaha. cume mase dolu2 la katakan... pemalu kot aku ni? hahaha... same jugak dengan bola keranjang. aku da penah bermain banyak jenis games dan sports tapi sampai hari ni aku still rase aku paling suke main basketball. mungkin jugak sebab aku sangat suka bila coach aku dulu suka kaitkan fizik masa ajar nak lompat atau defending. Dia selalu sebut pasal momentum dan pusat graviti dan aku rasa sangat minat dengan matapelajaran fizik selepas itu (walaupun aku selalu tidur dalam kelas cikgu feen.. T__T) tapi percayalah, aku minat sgt fizik cuma aku tak tau apesal la mase fizik aku rase terlalu selesa hingga tertidur.. kalau nak cerita pasal zaman persekolahan ni memang panjang. aku suka sanagt nak ingat balik mase sekolah dulu tapi mesti lepas tu layan blues.. tapi alhamdulillah.. tidak banyak penyesalan yang aku ingat2... maksudnya zaman remaja aku best la jugak. hihihi.. even part yang xbest mase tu pun da jadik best bile ingat balik.. kes english night.. hahaha.. aku yakin xde sape akan lupa insident malam tu. nnt la aku citer balik. sampai hari ni kalau dengar lagu viva forever dari spice girls atau dreams dari the corr.. aku nak sangat tengok orang2 yang kutuk abis kitorg time tuh skg.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

mencari kawan baik

assalamualaikum.. (tetibe alim la pulak) dah agak lame lak tak tulis pape kat blog nih.. cuti mmg bz.. seyes x tipu.. jumaat yang hari last persekolahan sebelum cuti tu, bunyik je loceng trus shoot g KK.. lepak KK seminggu.. patotnye fly g kl pagi sabtu tp tetibe mood nk fly drop to zero. tiket tu da beli bulan 6 tahun 2008. mase tu takwim persekolahan 2009 tak kuar lagi tapi dengan keterreran penakulanku aku, tepat pulak perkiraan aku untuk cuti pertengahan penggal. so dapat la tiket murah.. tapi last2 terbazir camtu je sebab aku rase xde mood nak travel. i just want to lazy around so pegi KK lepak kat umah sewa adik. hehehe.. disamping membuang mase di kk, ingatkan nak mengusha2 barang nak wat door gift majlis nanti..hehe.. bajet kreatif tp usaha jugak buat-buat kreatif sebab nak jimatkan kos. dan hasilnya? jang..jeng..jeng.. bolehlah dibanggekan.. hehehe.. so nnt bile sume dah selamat blehla wat wat post tentang cara-cara membuat door-gift untuk perkahwinan yang murah tetapi nampak mahal. sekarang xleh nak reveal lagi sebab konon2 nak bagi surprise. hihihi.. hmm.. nampaknye entri yang lepas tu mcm xbest je. ye la kan.. kat atas tu da awal2 lagi warning.. may be interpreted differently. dan memang pun da ade yang xfaham2. tp biasa lah.. banyak je yang komen sesedap rase. pastu wat mcm seolah2 aku ni da terpesong akidah. lantak la. aku malas nak layan. making somebody looking stupid doesnt makes you smarter. tak cukup comment, siap post kat shout out. pastu siap sms lagik. aku nih jahil2 pun masih kenal apa tu akidah. dahla. malas nak komen2. xbest pun. mari syok sendirik cerita pasal diri sendirik. kalau orang yang tak kenal aku biasenye akan cop aku sombong. jenis xlayan alam sekitar dan alam sekeliling. dan aku memang sangat memilih kawan. maksud aku kawan yang betul2.. bukan setakat kenalan.. bagi aku la.. setakat kenalan ramai.. tapi nak jadik kawan aku agak memilih. aku tau karakter aku dan aku tau ape yang kena dan tak kena dengan aku. so memang aku x ramai kawan. tapi aku rase aku xde musuh. tu yang aku tau. bagi aku senang je, kalau aku rase aku xsuke nak kawan dengan orang tuh (bukan sebab die jahat atau ape..tapi biase lah manusia..ade je kelemahan kan..mungkin kelemahan aku sbb xmampu nak suke sume org) aku xkan nak buat2 mcm nak kawan.. bukanye aku cari gado ke.. masam2 dengan die.. maksud aku, aku layan mcm biasa..cuma xwujudkan jambatan persahabatan la.. haih.. paham tak korang nih? keh keh keh.. mcm la ramai yg bace. perasan. huhu.. aku dulu 5 tahun dok hostel pastu plus 5 thn lagi mase kat menara gading.. ceewah.. dlm mase ni aku mula kenal diri aku melalui pergaulan aku ngn kenalan-kenalan dan kwn2.. dan aku mmg cukup xsuka dan berkenan dengan klik2 yang xde keje lain asik cerite pasal budak lelaki.. ntah pape je.. mcm xde life sendirik. tapi aku xde la pg kritik diorg depan2 seperti "weh! korg ni xde topik laen ke? asik2 name si XXXXX.. asik2 name si YYYYY. mcm da miang sgt".. sume tu hanya aku mampu luahkan dalam hati je.. so, bile aku tau klik tu mcm tu, usually aku akan just being nice je la.. xde la niat nk masuk geng. tp still berbaik2 cume xnak campur sgt. tp nasib baik mase kat u ade gak dak pompuan yg sekepale ngn aku. act xsekepale jugak.. same2 xsuke citer psl bdk lelaki. hihi.. karakter tak same tp kire leh ngam sbb masing2 tau batas2 seorang kawan dan masih ade sikap saling menghormati batas seorang kawan. dan yang aku paling suke pasal kawan aku ni.. die x berpure2.. ade satu mase tu aku amatlah ditimpa masalah yang amat menyayat hati.. die xdtg pun dgn aku gosok2 aku ke atau nangis same2.. die layan aku mcm biase je. tp sikit pun aku x kecik ati. tp aku tau die amek berat sbb die umpan aku ngn nasik ayam bibik dekat kafe atau selalu pure2 ajak kuar men boling walaupun mate aku mase tuh dah bengkak mcm bola golf. hahaha.. dan kerana die jugak la aku dpt membawak kereta dengan terernya dalam masa tak sampai 2 minggu pegang stereng kereta. ade ke patot time mate aku blur2 kerana kolam mataku pecah die g sewa kete dan ajar aku driving??? pastu die dok blakang sebab die kate lebih selamat. sedikit pon die tak menjerit ketakutan mase aku reverse selaju 80km/k atau brek mengejut dengan daya impuls 10000 N. she is really cool. rindu plak dengan kawan sorang nih. ok la. sekian.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

medical check-up and tamu in kudat

Last Wednesday I went to medical check up for the pelantikan tetap. Thanks to Diana a.k.a Wawa for booking the appointment for me. You are so gorgeous.. Ehem.. I mean kind.. hehe.. but yes.. Diana is gorgeous. She is not just pretty, but she is attractive and confident. That’s why she is gorgeous.

Maybe I can claim something from her for the promo. Hehehe..

Anyway, about the medical check-up. She went to the GH early in the morning to make the booking but lucky enough we got the appointment for today. Hurray! Thanks to her. :)

She came over to school in the morning just to tell me the appointment is on 10.30 am. It was 10.00 am when she told me.. (This in a big deal because Diana is in afternoon session) It was quite surprising because usually you have to make a booking a week earlier before the appointment day.

I almost couldn’t make it since my offer letter was still kept by one of the clerk and they were having a meeting with the Boss so I couldn’t interfere the meeting. I was so sad because I thought I couldn’t make it to day. It was 11.30 when the meeting ended and the clerk gave the offer letter to me straight away. With hope, I drove to the GH and praying that they still reserve the appointment for me. To make my day better, they did reserve the appointment! Thanks god! :)

But the funny thing is we force ourselves to drink cold drinks to make us pee. And it works!

So, here is the tips : drink cold drinks before going to the medical check up. Don’t forget to ask for two sample container since you need two samples! Fuh!

On the happier note :D

I experienced tiredness and excitement at the same time. My wedding-preps hunting today was less stressful. Thanks to eliza for keeping me a company :) (though I know her initial plan was going to tamu *wink* ;) ) I went back from school at about 4pm. It was quite late for a teacher since school session ends at 1235. I needed to distribute the meeting invitation for tomorrow’s meeting.

My initial plan was I just wanted to go the the boutique which I thought ok and make my booking but eliza kept telling me to take a look at other place as well. For a record, I just only surveyed 2 boutiques. So, since she was so persistent ;) I followed her ‘advice’ and went to take a look at the boutique.

It was like wow. I like the boutique too. Just like I do with the other two boutique I went before. LOL. So actually, quite indirectly.. eliza did double my confusion. Hehe.. but in a good way of course! I thanked her for that. She just showed me choices that I have :)

As the conclusion, I didn’t make any booking today. And tomorrow I’ll have to go and really discuss the pricing before confirm the book. And I might..just might asked the make-up artist to do my face and see the result :) of course I don’t want to pay for nothing! Hehe.. so fussy me, kan?

Anyway, after that we went to tamu and bought some kuih and went bac home and I cooked tom yam ayam. I finally cook the tomyam that I really can proud of! *shiny eyes* hehe.. at last I know where is the lacking in my tomyam that the taste is never like the one I ate in JB. I’m so can’t wait to show off my talent.

Eliza, just wait. You will get the chance to taste my super tomyam. Hehehe..

*tamu is like a pasar tani in penisular Malaysia. In kudat, tamu is held starting on Tuesday (in the evening) and ends on the afternoon the next day. The day may vary according to the place. Different place..different tamu day.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I went to tamu after the urine test.....

Last Wednesday I went to medical check up for the pelantikan tetap. Thanks to Diana a.k.a Wawa for booking the appointment for me. You are so gorgeous.. Ehem.. I mean kind.. hehe.. but yes.. Diana is gorgeous. She is not just pretty, but she is attractive and confident. That’s why she is gorgeous.

Maybe I can claim something from her for the promo. Hehehe..

Anyway, about the medical check-up. She went to the GH early in the morning to make the booking but lucky enough we got the appointment for today. Hurray! Thanks to her. :)

She came over to school in the morning just to tell me the appointment is on 10.30 am. It was 10.00 am when she told me.. (This in a big deal because Diana is in afternoon session) It was quite surprising because usually you have to make a booking a week earlier before the appointment day.

I almost couldn’t make it since my offer letter was still kept by one of the clerk and they were having a meeting with the Boss so I couldn’t interfere the meeting. I was so sad because I thought I couldn’t make it to day. It was 11.30 when the meeting ended and the clerk gave the offer letter to me straight away. With hope, I drove to the GH and praying that they still reserve the appointment for me. To make my day better, they did reserve the appointment! Thanks god! :)

But the funny thing is we force ourselves to drink cold drinks to make us pee. And it works!

So, here is the tips : drink cold drinks before going to the medical check up. Don’t forget to ask for two sample container since you need two samples! Fuh!

On the happier note :D

I experienced tiredness and excitement at the same time. My wedding-preps hunting today was less stressful. Thanks to eliza for keeping me a company :) (though I know her initial plan was going to tamu *wink* ;) ) I went back from school at about 4pm. It was quite late for a teacher since school session ends at 1235. I needed to distribute the meeting invitation for tomorrow’s meeting.

My initial plan was I just wanted to go the the boutique which I thought ok and make my booking but eliza kept telling me to take a look at other place as well. For a record, I just only surveyed 2 boutiques. So, since she was so persistent ;) I followed her ‘advice’ and went to take a look at the boutique.

It was like wow. I like the boutique too. Just like I do with the other two boutique I went before. LOL. So actually, quite indirectly.. eliza did double my confusion. Hehe.. but in a good way of course! I thanked her for that. She just showed me choices that I have :)

As the conclusion, I didn’t make any booking today. And tomorrow I’ll have to go and really discuss the pricing before confirm the book. And I might..just might asked the make-up artist to do my face and see the result :) of course I don’t want to pay for nothing! Hehe.. so fussy me, kan?

Anyway, after that we went to tamu and bought some kuih and went bac home and I cooked tom yam ayam. I finally cook the tomyam that I really can proud of! *shiny eyes* hehe.. at last I know where is the lacking in my tomyam that the taste is never like the one I ate in JB. I’m so can’t wait to show off my talent.

Eliza, just wait. You will get the chance to taste my super tomyam. Hehehe..

*tamu is like a pasar tani in penisular Malaysia. In kudat, tamu is held starting on Tuesday (in the evening) and ends on the afternoon the next day. The day may vary according to the place. Different place..different tamu day.

Monday, March 02, 2009


i went for the wedding package hunt this evening. gosh! now i can already feel the stress of planning a wedding. i'm not planning for a big and glamorous wedding... all i want is just a simple, nice wedding but surely a memorable one.. and of course, i stick to a tight budget. trying to spend as little as possible. i know it sounds difficult but believe that there is always a way. i had this 20-minutes convesation with my friend who is also a bride-to-be real soon. i wish her luck and bunch of happiness :) love you lynn.. thanks for helping me out. well, i asked her about her preps and believe me. i sound like i am going to marry sooner than her. hehe. the wedding packages are really confusing. its not that i dont understand the package. but i just soo clouded by the purpose to spend soo much money for a day event. remember. i am trying hard to stick on a tight budget. (tu la.. duit x cukup lagi.. sebok nak kawen ;p *wink*) to make it short. 1. i want a beautiful photo. 2. in order to capture a pretty shot, i must have pelamin yang cantik and a great photographer. sounds like a big investment :( 3. pelamin yang cantik surely cost a lot of money 4. a great photographer surely will cost you more :( these are my concern. i have no worries about the food since i'll held my wedding ceremony at kampung so food will be prepared by the sedara mara. to double my list, lynn added a few more on my list ;) 5. canopy? (i cant squeeze all my guests in the small house. dad doesnt agree a wedding at the any-hall.) 6. meja makan beradab? (since i hire no caterer, this is going to be a bit challenging.) urghh.. i need to nap for a while..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

adus.. tagged by kak nozie

da lame sgt da pending nak balas tag kak nozie neh......

1. Anda rasa anda hot?

hot and spicy?? hehe..

2. Upload gambar kegemaran anda.

3. Kenapa anda suka gambar ini? sbb ni gamba candid wajah i yang paling cantek.. hehe

4. Bila kali terakhir anda makan pizza? kat kuatan ms cuti CNY. tp pastu tobat da insaf.. xmakan pizza da...

5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar. xingat la...

6. Apa yang sedang anda buat selain daripada selesaikan tag ini? stadi (T__T) atau tido kot..

7. Selain nama anda sendiri, apakah lagi nama yang anda suka orang panggil anda? jinik

8. Tag lagi 5 orang (tak bleh tag orang yang sama tau) org lain cumer dh buat tag nieh. boleh tak tanak tag org lain???

  1. anggerek
  2. lynto'
  3. adani
  4. ejat
  5. huda abdullah sani

9. Siapa orang nombor 1? ex-school mate masa sekolah menengah dulu. penah dok sedorm. aku suke name die sbb ade unsur2 klasik... namenye ialah gabungan hidupan dua alam yang indah tau.. hehe..

10. Orang nombor 3 ada hubungan dengan sesiapa? da tunang da.. loving couple as always.. sweet gitu.. ;)

11. Kata sesuatu berkenaan dengan orang nombor 5. kwn mase kat utm.. mase aku dpli aku, die n wani jenjalan cr pasal kat melaka. seronok x hengat time tu.. dua hari satu malam dengan bajet rm 150 shj! ( tahap kewangan amatlah meruncing...)

12. Bagaimana pulak dengan orang nombor 4? ejat ni kenal dlm dunia blog ni la.. hihi.. bakal chef ni.. blog die best.. 13. Siapakah orang nombor 2? name pn ala2 manje kan?? kitorg mmg bff.. ;) muke ala2 jepun gitu... dan die ni sgt kreatif.. feveret cikgu maimun masa sejarah form 3 dulu.. hahaha...


Sunday, January 18, 2009

if you are a fireman.....

test yourself :) imagine this. you are a fireman. your job is to save lives. or so that we've been told. one day your department receives an emergency call from a civilian that reports a building is on fire somewhere. you and your team rush to the scene and the fire is already at its worst stage. you and your team try to control the situation from getting worse. suddenly you heard a cry from the building screaming for help. you can see the victim's eyes pleading for your mercy. if you don't get in, the victim will be burnt to death. if you rush inside, the chance to get through the fire is only 40%; either for the victim or you yourself. what are you going to do? take the 60% chance to die with the victim as hero;leaving your family that depends on you behind? or; choose the 40% chance and bear the guilt.

Monday, January 12, 2009

it's never late to start on something new. isn't it? i guess so.. 2008 is gone for almost two weeks time and here i am trying to wrap up everything before starting on my 2009 resolution. 2008 has been kind to me.. in fact, i believe that major changes happened through out that year. i still remember my first day at school. i wasn't very excited. in fact, i wasn't excited at all.. i remembered feeling grumpy and sad at the same time. it's all because i was thousand miles away from my syg. almost the whole week, syg tried to comfort me and he made an effort to do just that. i know how some guys need like a mega force to do just sweet-talk the loved ones. and i really appreciate the effort. as days go by, i started to feel the comfort. i started to like the school and eerything around me. and syg made effort to visit me means a world for me. but the year itself marks a big challenge to me. how i learnt to forgive and still trying hard to forget. somehow, from that point on, things we're not as it used to be. i mean for my self or is it in me? i just hope 2009 offers something that can makes me forget the whole circumtances. and 2008 witnessed my engagement to the man whom i've known since i was 13 years old but only dating for less than 2 years. people keep telling me that getting engaged is something big and i have to face it with patience. thanks to the reminder and it is indeed true. we've been in a long distance relationship since the first time we declared our love and promises but this time it is totally different. sometimes i lose it. but friends around me keep me strong. i could never thanked you enough.. and here i am in 2009... how do i say this.. it started out just ok.. maybe not as good as i expected. but i think it's too early to judge since 2009 is just began and i still have 353 days ahead of me. and my resolution? let's just say i want to keep it to my self for now :) have a happy day everyone..

Saturday, January 10, 2009

happy birhthday to me...

i'm enjoying the remaining few hours before midnight. year by year, people come and go. some of them stayed with us. they became our best friends. sharing our ups and down. laughter and tears. some people smile with satisfaction at the beginning of their new chapter of life. some people welcome their new chapter of life. some people are reluctant for the new chapter. some people don't even realize about the becoming of the new chapter. some are scared. some are eager. me? i cant translate myself. but somehow i have to admit that i'm nervous of thinking what awaits ahead of my new chapter. not that i'm not happy or being ungrateful but trails that i left behind keep remind me of how little i have done for people around me or myself. i have so little to offer yet so demanding. every begining of a new chapter, i hope to face them with the one whom i truly love. i just hope that they forget that its my birthday but somehow they miss me for no reason specifically on my birthday. happy birthday to me :)