I have few events for this past 4-5 weeks since my last post :
- Kem Sukan & Rekreasi @ Tinangol Homestay (8-10 August 2008)
- Cuti-cuti Malaysia @ Kelantan (14-19 August 2008)
- Merdeka Celebration @ school (29 August 2008)
Kem Sukan & Rekreasi @ Tinangol Homestay (8-10 August 2008)
Where do i start.. hmm.. the planning was good.. i mean we will have a very compact schedule.. water confident, kayaking, flying fox, abseiling and burung hantu. owh yes.. plus the LDK session. But it turend out to be...erm... not that compact. Practically NO activities for the first day. So the students killing their tonnes of free time by the goreng pisang game and othe games that i rather not join. Hehehe..
Well, i'm not going to comment about that since i had the chance to kayaking and abseiling AGAIN!!! Hahaha.. Greedy me.. Want to do it all.. Few students didn't have chance to do it due to insufficient time.. Don't blame me.. I was there just as guru pengiring what-so-ever and all activities were supposedly conducted by other teachers. Takkan la i nak jadik gila kuasa pulak kan.. *defensive* hehee..

Ling Yean & I chill out in the kayak *
best...best..* hehehe.. Fyi, we were kayaking during the minum pagi time.. hehehe.. we didnt berebut with the students *defensive* hehe..
So, later after lunch, we went for abseiling. Luckily Ling Yean and I tumpang Cikgu Juining in his four-wheele drive or else we ended up walking for 45 minutes just to reach the spot for abseiling. Pity the students. If iwas up to me, I wouldn't pick that spot. It was too far from the camp site plus they only started the activities at 3.00p.m! Can u believe it?? That means we only have approximately 3 hours before dark and 45 minutes just to reach the abseiling spot...? Not added the time for the preparation yet... things like tying the abseiling special rope and all.. it ended with the students' dissatisfaction. Out of 42, only less then 20 were manage to abseil down. Enough of that..

trust me. we were actually lost.

fuh.. at last.. i'm here!!! :) :)

ling yean & i trying to look cool ;)

what a beautiful feeling i had that moment :)
i want to do it again.. ;)

and this one? hehehe.. ling yean & i was on the way back from my cousin's home. We went there for shower (my cousin's house). There was
singing performance organized by the ministry of information. So, we just stopped by to buy food and clicks few photo. Hehehe..
The next day was the closing ceremony. We headed back in the morning (after i insinst that we manage to clear the camp site just in 2 hours) *proud face* ahehehe..
so, here the last shot :)

I hope we can do better next time :)
to be con't later.. hehe..