Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Baby Language by Priscilla Dunstan

Please watch until the end. Starting 3:15 :)

I’m so lucky today for being bored that leads me to turn on the tv and tune to the Hallmark channel. It was like Allah answers my wonders and showing me the answer to my worry of becoming a mum - baby's cry.

It’s not that I worry about the baby cries. That’s the only way the baby communicates to us - through the cries or at least that was what I thought. What concerns me more is how I will get to understand my baby needs when mums and their babies usually don’t speak the same language.

I discover a major solution to this through Oprah’s show today – and yes, I’m a fan of Oprah. Good for me :)

The whole amazing, wonderful, superb discovery is found by Priscilla Dunstan, an Australian who is gifted with photographic memory since she was a child. She can memorize all facts from the learning in school without having to take down notes and she could hear a Mozart concert on the piano played by her mother only once and play it back note for note with her violin. After being a mum herself, she benefits her gifted ability for sound and pick out certain patterns in her baby-Tom cries and then remember what those patterns were later on when the baby cried again.

She has tested over a million babies from around the globe and come to a conclusion that - there are five words that all babies 0–3 months old say—regardless of race and culture.

The five words or sound made by babies are :

1. Neh - means “I’m hungry”

2. Eh - means the baby needs to burp

3. Heh - means the baby is in discomfort

4. Eair - means the baby need to lower wind/gas

5. Owh - simply means “I’m sleepy”

She said that these are not the babies’ cries but more to pre-cries sounds which is logically the babies are actually ask nicely at the first place for whatever they needs and when our action doesn’t meet their needs, they will really cry. So, that means mums will have to always listen to their babies BEFORE the baby cries.

Owh.. i wish i could share more..


cerpelai said...

Salam sis..
Gua pernah terbaca dalam satu artikel yang mengatakan Teori Dunstan ni hanyalah direka-reka semata-mata.. Kebenarannya, gua memang tak tau..!!

Ada yang kata Dunstan taksub dengan teori komunikasi bayi sehingga meninggalkan perkara-perkara penting dalam kajian dari pakar-pakar yang telah diiktiraf.. Ramai jugak pakar bahasa bayi menolak kenyataan Dunstan ni bulat-bulat..

Gua tak tau nak cakap apa sebab gua kurang segar sikit dengan teori omputih ni.. Yang gua tau, wujud satu perhubungan luar kuasa antara bayi dan ibunya secara natural dan ianya lebih tepat digelar naluri keibuan serta jalinan bayi dan ibu kandungnya..


~Ibu Anggun~ said...

ye ke en cerpelai.
sy pun xtau la jugak.
sbb br dengar je sebnrny psl teori2 ni..
maybe ni secara general la kut. tp jalinan natural tuh mmg wujud antara bayi ngn ibu. cuma mungkin teori ni boleh jadik panduan kut.

pasal pakar2 bahasa tu.. xreti la nak komen. sbb dunstan ni bukan pakar bahasa. cuma dia ni gifted dengan photographic memory.. sy pun terpikir gak xkan la 5 bende tu je kut yg bayi perlu.

nnt sy try lagi google info pasal dunstan ni. td tu excited sgt xsempat ape trus tulis blog. hahaha..

tp walaubagaimanapun, sy msaih lagi tertarik dgn teori nih :)

Ms B said...


you are really that bored, eh? at least you are updating often. :)

so apa menu berbuka hari ini?

~Ibu Anggun~ said...

haha.. yes Ms B. THAT bored. but i found a solution! watching anime ;) pengaruh husband. too stop me from complaining ;)

for the past 4 days my main menu is.... jeng jeng jeng.. nasi kerabu ;)

of kos nasi kerabu@labuan rasany tak same mcm nasi kerabu kat kelantan ataupun mcm yg sy selalu beli kat bazar ramadhan mase kat UTM tp bolehlaa.. ;)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Baby Language by Priscilla Dunstan

Please watch until the end. Starting 3:15 :)

I’m so lucky today for being bored that leads me to turn on the tv and tune to the Hallmark channel. It was like Allah answers my wonders and showing me the answer to my worry of becoming a mum - baby's cry.

It’s not that I worry about the baby cries. That’s the only way the baby communicates to us - through the cries or at least that was what I thought. What concerns me more is how I will get to understand my baby needs when mums and their babies usually don’t speak the same language.

I discover a major solution to this through Oprah’s show today – and yes, I’m a fan of Oprah. Good for me :)

The whole amazing, wonderful, superb discovery is found by Priscilla Dunstan, an Australian who is gifted with photographic memory since she was a child. She can memorize all facts from the learning in school without having to take down notes and she could hear a Mozart concert on the piano played by her mother only once and play it back note for note with her violin. After being a mum herself, she benefits her gifted ability for sound and pick out certain patterns in her baby-Tom cries and then remember what those patterns were later on when the baby cried again.

She has tested over a million babies from around the globe and come to a conclusion that - there are five words that all babies 0–3 months old say—regardless of race and culture.

The five words or sound made by babies are :

1. Neh - means “I’m hungry”

2. Eh - means the baby needs to burp

3. Heh - means the baby is in discomfort

4. Eair - means the baby need to lower wind/gas

5. Owh - simply means “I’m sleepy”

She said that these are not the babies’ cries but more to pre-cries sounds which is logically the babies are actually ask nicely at the first place for whatever they needs and when our action doesn’t meet their needs, they will really cry. So, that means mums will have to always listen to their babies BEFORE the baby cries.

Owh.. i wish i could share more..


cerpelai said...

Salam sis..
Gua pernah terbaca dalam satu artikel yang mengatakan Teori Dunstan ni hanyalah direka-reka semata-mata.. Kebenarannya, gua memang tak tau..!!

Ada yang kata Dunstan taksub dengan teori komunikasi bayi sehingga meninggalkan perkara-perkara penting dalam kajian dari pakar-pakar yang telah diiktiraf.. Ramai jugak pakar bahasa bayi menolak kenyataan Dunstan ni bulat-bulat..

Gua tak tau nak cakap apa sebab gua kurang segar sikit dengan teori omputih ni.. Yang gua tau, wujud satu perhubungan luar kuasa antara bayi dan ibunya secara natural dan ianya lebih tepat digelar naluri keibuan serta jalinan bayi dan ibu kandungnya..


~Ibu Anggun~ said...

ye ke en cerpelai.
sy pun xtau la jugak.
sbb br dengar je sebnrny psl teori2 ni..
maybe ni secara general la kut. tp jalinan natural tuh mmg wujud antara bayi ngn ibu. cuma mungkin teori ni boleh jadik panduan kut.

pasal pakar2 bahasa tu.. xreti la nak komen. sbb dunstan ni bukan pakar bahasa. cuma dia ni gifted dengan photographic memory.. sy pun terpikir gak xkan la 5 bende tu je kut yg bayi perlu.

nnt sy try lagi google info pasal dunstan ni. td tu excited sgt xsempat ape trus tulis blog. hahaha..

tp walaubagaimanapun, sy msaih lagi tertarik dgn teori nih :)

Ms B said...


you are really that bored, eh? at least you are updating often. :)

so apa menu berbuka hari ini?

~Ibu Anggun~ said...

haha.. yes Ms B. THAT bored. but i found a solution! watching anime ;) pengaruh husband. too stop me from complaining ;)

for the past 4 days my main menu is.... jeng jeng jeng.. nasi kerabu ;)

of kos nasi kerabu@labuan rasany tak same mcm nasi kerabu kat kelantan ataupun mcm yg sy selalu beli kat bazar ramadhan mase kat UTM tp bolehlaa.. ;)