Monday, March 02, 2009
Monday, March 02, 2009
- miss pumpkin (reen) said...
stay calm k. Wedding prep suppose to b a cherished moment that u'll exceptionally indulge in.
& i knoe that we definitely want everything to be superbly put in d right place. So, u shud hv a list with u & check d list thoroughly at least 2 times a week.
U don't hv to spend lots of money on 'meja beradab' dear. U can use ordinary table but with fine decorated 'material' which u can do on ur own. & maybe u shud prepare a contingency sum as an advance preparation. Mcm flowers, xyah pilih mahal2 sgt. U can choose lily or ordinary carnation instead.
Nnt i'll pass u a list which might b helpful. I'm myself not that well-0rganized hehe. Mesti rse seram2 sjuk & thrill kan. Besnye. Hope i can do sumthing to help u out.nthing, just giv me a buzz.
Don't stress urself out k. One thing at a time & eventually u'll find out everything is done.MUUUUahx. -
Tuesday, March 03, 2009 11:59:00 AM
- ~Ibu Anggun~ said...
oh reen..
thank you dear.. i really appreciate that. i shamelessly admit that i'm really nervous bout the ceremony. up till now.. nothing is done yet. oh my...
p/s: cant wait for the check list ;) -
Tuesday, March 03, 2009 2:52:00 PM
- miss pumpkin (reen) said...
jap ek. rasenye hari tu ade post utk wedding check list. I'll try to check again & giv a brief one instead sbb mine was so long. I'm pretty sure u've done ur best kan mek jennie.
One tip, jgn gune sumer duit utk wedding prep. Simpan gak lam 20-30% utk after wedding nye savings. Lpas siap mjlis, sbenanye lg bnyk duit nak pakai. hehe. Giv me ur email add k. -
Tuesday, March 03, 2009 6:01:00 PM
- ~Ibu Anggun~ said...
owh. thank you again dear. i bet you know better than me. u've been there, haven't you. i will really take that matter seriously.
xoxo -
Tuesday, March 03, 2009 8:25:00 PM
- elyna griffin said...
- This comment has been removed by the author.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009 1:44:00 PM
- elyna griffin said...
hey babe, i hope i did not scare you.well if u realise i still have heaps of things to go through hehe
it must be easy to say things now because it's actually not happening just yet hehe but perhaps like i mentioned before, a lot of attentions should be devoted for photography, planning the flow of the function, food, maintaining lovely ambience and make up!
i believe everything has to start with love for the mission is to celebrate love! :) -
Wednesday, March 04, 2009 1:45:00 PM
- Ms B said...
ah, the stress of the bride-to-be. *smiles* it takes a lot of will power to stick to the original budget. On another note, having lived here for close to 5 years made me realised the lesser stress for my friends here to plan their wedding.
G luck Jane! *winks* -
Wednesday, March 04, 2009 6:45:00 PM
- ~Ibu Anggun~ said...
thanks a lot babe.. thanks for sharing all the website addresses..
i've arrange two meetings with the photographers and hopefully i love their work.
p/s : REMEMBER: No 'loving-hand' *lol* -
Thursday, March 05, 2009 1:47:00 AM
- ~Ibu Anggun~ said...
ms B,
sticking to the original budget is very challenging indeed. it's equal to stopping yourself from indulging a cup of mocha perhaps *wink* ;)
i sometimes losing the grip but so far i think i'm doing well.. :)
lets just hope i'll do well to the end.. *praying hard* -
Thursday, March 05, 2009 1:50:00 AM
- nhhas said...
jane, kalau la sabah tu dekat, aku dah volunteer jadi ko nyer photographer....aku kan tere bab2 ngambik gambar ni....
betul cakap kawan ko tu...kena ada ceklist...aku yg belum der c.a.l.o.n nak kawin ni pun dah der ceklist siap beserta bajet sekali....hihihihi....tapi folder tu corrupt...kalau x blh share ngn ko....take care...
take fun on it....pray for your happiness and safety my dear fren. -
Thursday, March 05, 2009 6:03:00 PM
- ~Ibu Anggun~ said...
meh la sini wei.. hehe..
aku ade gak checklist tp dalam hati jeee.. tu yg susah nk tick.. hehe..
tq for the prayer.. same goes to you! -
Thursday, March 05, 2009 8:05:00 PM
Anonymous said...
hai's me dayah (fren to hasni,pah,...).juz found ur blog..hehe..congrates to u!
Sunday, March 15, 2009 2:24:00 PM
- daniadanis said...
jane..good luck!!!
create your best wedding album album that forever tells you how beautiful and memorable day u'v had in ur life.. -
Thursday, March 26, 2009 5:10:00 PM
stay calm k. Wedding prep suppose to b a cherished moment that u'll exceptionally indulge in.
& i knoe that we definitely want everything to be superbly put in d right place. So, u shud hv a list with u & check d list thoroughly at least 2 times a week.
U don't hv to spend lots of money on 'meja beradab' dear. U can use ordinary table but with fine decorated 'material' which u can do on ur own. & maybe u shud prepare a contingency sum as an advance preparation. Mcm flowers, xyah pilih mahal2 sgt. U can choose lily or ordinary carnation instead.
Nnt i'll pass u a list which might b helpful. I'm myself not that well-0rganized hehe. Mesti rse seram2 sjuk & thrill kan. Besnye. Hope i can do sumthing to help u out.nthing, just giv me a buzz.
Don't stress urself out k. One thing at a time & eventually u'll find out everything is done.MUUUUahx.
oh reen..
thank you dear.. i really appreciate that. i shamelessly admit that i'm really nervous bout the ceremony. up till now.. nothing is done yet. oh my...
p/s: cant wait for the check list ;)
jap ek. rasenye hari tu ade post utk wedding check list. I'll try to check again & giv a brief one instead sbb mine was so long. I'm pretty sure u've done ur best kan mek jennie.
One tip, jgn gune sumer duit utk wedding prep. Simpan gak lam 20-30% utk after wedding nye savings. Lpas siap mjlis, sbenanye lg bnyk duit nak pakai. hehe. Giv me ur email add k.
owh. thank you again dear. i bet you know better than me. u've been there, haven't you. i will really take that matter seriously.
hey babe, i hope i did not scare you.well if u realise i still have heaps of things to go through hehe
it must be easy to say things now because it's actually not happening just yet hehe but perhaps like i mentioned before, a lot of attentions should be devoted for photography, planning the flow of the function, food, maintaining lovely ambience and make up!
i believe everything has to start with love for the mission is to celebrate love! :)
ah, the stress of the bride-to-be. *smiles* it takes a lot of will power to stick to the original budget. On another note, having lived here for close to 5 years made me realised the lesser stress for my friends here to plan their wedding.
G luck Jane! *winks*
thanks a lot babe.. thanks for sharing all the website addresses..
i've arrange two meetings with the photographers and hopefully i love their work.
p/s : REMEMBER: No 'loving-hand' *lol*
ms B,
sticking to the original budget is very challenging indeed. it's equal to stopping yourself from indulging a cup of mocha perhaps *wink* ;)
i sometimes losing the grip but so far i think i'm doing well.. :)
lets just hope i'll do well to the end.. *praying hard*
jane, kalau la sabah tu dekat, aku dah volunteer jadi ko nyer photographer....aku kan tere bab2 ngambik gambar ni....
betul cakap kawan ko tu...kena ada ceklist...aku yg belum der c.a.l.o.n nak kawin ni pun dah der ceklist siap beserta bajet sekali....hihihihi....tapi folder tu corrupt...kalau x blh share ngn ko....take care...
take fun on it....pray for your happiness and safety my dear fren.
meh la sini wei.. hehe..
aku ade gak checklist tp dalam hati jeee.. tu yg susah nk tick.. hehe..
tq for the prayer.. same goes to you!
hai's me dayah (fren to hasni,pah,...).juz found ur blog..hehe..congrates to u!
jane..good luck!!!
create your best wedding album album that forever tells you how beautiful and memorable day u'v had in ur life..
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