Tuesday, November 25, 2008
update vs tag :)
i'm back in kudat now. 3 days in KK worn me out. i dont suit the rushing life in the big city (mind you, i think kk city is growing soo fast). and i gained EXTRA 2 KILOS!!! goshhhh... :( i betrayed myself. looking foward to lose few more kilos :(
forget that extra cusion i got under my skin. need to update this freezer :)
21. 11.2008
my sis flight from sarawak arrived late at night. it was past midnight, actually. her original boarding time was 915 pm but retimed to 1020pm. and due to bad weather, it was retimed again to 11.25 pm. so she landed at LCCT Kota Kinabalu 5 minutes past 1 a.m! i was so sleepy driving from the place i stayed to the airport. oh. i should mention this. i stayed the night at tune hotel, a low cost hotel.. hihihi.. cost me only rm95 per night. well, the room? what you get is what you paid for. but i personally satisfy staying there. i chose the hotel because it is located next to the 1 borneo hypermall. so, i dnt have to drive and compete for the parking lot if i want to walk around doing my window shopping. plus, GSC is in there, so it's bonus for me :) i cehcked in at 2.00pm after wandering for hours in the mall. i just stayed in my room and watched tv until 1245 am, then i went fetch my sis at the airport. boring me kan? *sigh*
checked out at 10. still have to spend the night in KK since i had to fetch another sis from perak. aiyoo.. jadik chaperon pulak *rolling eye* so, we filled our time with windows shopping and watching movies. we watched madagascar and the quarantine. madagascar was ok.. i give 3.5 stars out of 5. the funny story was we got in to the wrong house. it was suppose house num 1. but we went in to num 4 instead. the movie was at 12pm. after 10 minutes past 12, no sign the movie will start shortly. when my sis checked the tickets again... ahhh.. there we went like jakun. slowly sneaked out and went in to the right house. hehe.. luckily it just started. fuh..
The quarantine??? 2 stars out of 5. the stars go to the actors and actress but never to the script writers. the storyline is sooooo unacceptable. but being objective as i am, i think the leading actress plays very effective acting. the film might be very interesting if the storyline is more real. u should see the movie yourself to agree with me.
we spent the night at the holiday hotle. this hotel located in the middle of the city. i picked the hotel because it is nearer to the airport. plus, i;m done with the window shopping. not very good place to stay. old building and old furniture :( but that's it.
headed back to kampung early in the morning. i was so tired.. but never mind :)
so, i've been tagged by Ms B ;) kinda tricky stuff.. hehe..
so, here it is...
Rules of the tag:
1.Take a recent picture of yourself OR take a picture of yourself right now.
2. Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair…just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post these instructions with your picture.
5. Tag people to do this.
i want to tag these pretty friends of mine aifaa, anggerek, lyn, ain, reen & adani :)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
sleepless night
*late post*
again. another sleepless night. but this time, no alligator. hehe.
i was in deep discussion wit my fiance last night and we came out wit the best result -ever-.
i'll post about that later :)
suffice to say that i'm extremely happy that my heart beat faster and i was too excited that i didn't sleep much last night ;)
i'm at sar's place right now after more than 3 hours-drive yesterday. it was raining heavily all the way from kudat to kk. since i hadn't have my lunch, i stopped at petrol station and bought some foods. i was a bit sleepy by that time that i hope i can maintain the high level of conciousness while i drive.
i'm sleepy now.
gud nite everyone
Thursday, November 20, 2008
scary night
i'm still sleepy.. i barely had sleep last night. at first everything was ok. nothing to scared about. it was around 2.00 a.m. that i was awake when mum called.i just realized that it was raining very very heavily. and the wing blew strongly. mum asked how i was doing since she said it was raining heavily there, at kampung. mum told me to look outside the window just to check if it was flooding or not. then i started to worry. luckily, none that i'd seen.
only after that i remembered mum told us couple of days before that the authority warned about strong wind around 20th and everybody should take precaution. late now..
i was a tiny little bit worried. so i just curled my self into ball on the couch. wishing that everything will end sooner.
i tried to sleep and i had nightmare. i dreamed about alligator just under the couch i slept on. and its tail touched my legs. ewww..
luckily it was just a nightmare
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
lone ranger
today is kinda weird. not the day.. but me myself..
i'm all alone now. dad has seminar in KK. mum and other siblings went back to kampung early this morning. in fact earlier before i start my watching-tv-marathon. i stay because i need to submit my fail meja which has been pending for a good 2 MONTHS without any update when i'm supposed to update it EVERYDAY.
initially i planned to drive to KK today (another reason i stay back) . actually i planned about it since last sunday. i need to see some people from UMS for my next year project and do some window shopping. ah.. not forgetting some fancy facial stuff i've promised to do with a friend plus fetching sis from the airport. luckily i haven't set any appointment with the people from UMS or else i'll drop the hint of bad impression.
but.. i feel slightly down today. for a fairly good reason.
in other word.. over think.
i was invigilating the year-end MUET exam and i had a chance too peek articles in one of the papers.
so, tho whole idea is a person (in my case : a woman) who thinks toooo much (maybe way too much) will suffer severe depression and anxiety — especially in women — and interferes with good problem-solving.
as a matter of factly, i'm totally clueless.
here the situation : we (or rather I) will have to think a lot to solve particular problem, right? but what will happen is my initial problem-solving thinking leads to overthinking and at the end the act will contribute to severe depression and anxiety and interferes with good problem-solving. so now, i have doubled my problems. it is like i'm moving in a circle chasing my own tail in search for my head.
now there.. sounds familiar?
i better stop before i start to overthink.
all in one

Sunday, November 09, 2008
it's november!! :)
yess.. we are in the month of november.. i love the sound of no-vem-ber.. hehehe.. that means year-end break is approaching ;) i fact we are a week away from it.. hurrayy!!
i realized that i havent posted anything since september.. (of course) many things happened but i give freezer a discount for october entry :) any way.. tomorrow my school is going to held the annual dinner and the theme is something like glamourous red carpet?? hehe..
what a theme for a plain jane.. *sigh*
Monday, September 29, 2008
hari raya is just around the corner!! yay for that :) :)
so, i'm taking this precious chance to wish all my muslim friends SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI.. please forgive me for my wrong doings ;)

on the other note, syg will be starting his training with APMM starting this becoming 7 Oct at Kuantan... i'm so happy for him.. because i know he's been waiting for the offer.. but the bad news is the trainees are not allowed to bring the cell phone :( :( and until now, we dont even know yet how long the training period :"( .. i will definetaly miss him so much :"( *sigh*
i hope everything will be fine.. *sigh*sigh*ish*
Monday, September 22, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
i'm going for the spp interview :)
Wish me luck :)
fuh.. lega.. finally i can sleep in peace for two reasons :
- i've finished teaching the syllabus
- i've interviewed
- the SPM trial starts next week so it's a BIG YAY!! Hehehe.. (teaching is very tiring i tell you)
- Wawasan 2020
- Local & international issue
- Names of few ministers
- Issues on inflation
- 2009 budget
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
monolouge in lab 1
i am in lab now.. i just cant resist the urge to blog. just to put my mind at ease, i blog a bit la.. hehehe..
i'm waiting for my 0810am class.. i am so proud of myself because last night i managed to do what i was suppose to do *very2 proud face :)))* so today, i woke up with more positive vibrant than yesterday.
i 'm going for the spp interview tomorrow. but havent prepared anything yet for the interview. if its about the current issue, maybe its ok la.. but if it comes to the ministers, YBs datuks.. and datins names.. uhuk2.. i'm so pathetic at recalling people's names.. but i dont succumb that easily.. i already printed out the list of the cabinet so taht i can take time remembering who's who.. hehehe..
so, today i'm going to fininsh up the form 5 physics syllabus so that i can start drilling my students with exam papers.. ngeh.. ngeh.. ngeh..
i do enjoy teaching as long as the students are okay.. what i meant by ok is in term of their behavior.. i really can tolerate no matter how much they said they dont understand whai i'm blabbing but i cant tolerate with students who do not do their work or simply come in late to the class.. as long as these two rules are obeyed.. they are in good term with me.. heh heh heh.. *devil* hehe..
one more ting i can tolerate is students who are sleepy.. oh dear.. i do understand them.. i know they dont mean it but its somehow a nature call.. and they were just powerless over thier biological function.. like i used to be.. hahahaha.. but i dont let them sleepy for too long.. i'll ambush them with questions then they will be refresed again.. hahaha.. dengki punya cekgu..
whatever it is.. i've found myself to enjoy my job day by day..
it seems like day by day i manage to follow the rythm :)
wish me the brightest day forward :) :) :)
Monday, September 08, 2008
my hidden talent :)
i've been trying to polish my domestic side yesterday and today..
simple recipe for a simple plain_jane :)
pudding (or is it dadih) cocktail
milo pudding / dadih
*more update later :)
updated :)
i admit that i'm not very good in the kitchen. but still, i am still connected to my feminine side that i feel like doing something that will challenge my culinary skill :) usually i cook when my mom and dad wasn't around.. hehehe..
i still remember during ramadhan last year, i opened my mom's recipe book and i came acroos mee hailam. so, i went to the market to buy all the ingredient needed for the recipe. sad to say, the best comment i had was "ok la jugak".. T___T
but i knew it wasn't as what mee hailam should be because my sis was teasing me by saying
" ni mee hailam ka mee HAIRAN?"
ok.. enough of humiliation.. but i dont care cos the mee HAIRAN left no trace of leftover. hahaha..
another story.
aku mmg ade bad habit.. iaitu cepat marah. aku pun tak tau.. aku mmg mudah sgt melenting lebih-lebih lagi kalau aku tengah stress. aku bukan nak citer pasal aku cepat marah..tp pasal stress yang aku alami sejak jadik cekgu ini.. huhuhu~~~
dulu mase belajar aku xde la beria2 sgt nak keje walaupun biasenye org yang tgh sakit kepala nak exam akan berdoa utk keje cepat2.. sbb aku percaya yang manusia ni selalu rase dielah yg paling malang.. dan aku yakin yang kalau da keje lg banyak songeh.. lagi besar tanggungjawab.. kalau kuliah best.. kalau da stress2 ponteng aje.. janji x lebih 80%.. hahahaha.. kalau da tensen sgt blaja paling2 pun aku doa je cpt abis exam and cepat abis blaja tp xde plak doa cpt2 dpt keje sbb aku mmg sebenanye xde cite2.. (tp sekarang da ade cite2) huhu~~ cume melalui ujian personaliti dan kerjaya (cewaaahhh) aku mmg sesuai jadi cekgu.. dan mmg rezeki aku kat situ dan aku x menolak.. :)
so, bile da jadi cekgu ni, dijadikan cerita mmg stressss.. lagi2 aku sebagai guru yg masih hijau mata memandang ;) maybe cekgu2 baru yang lain ok je kott.. aku je yg kecoh2.. tp aku xpeduli. aku nak kecoh2 jugak sebab ni blog aku.. hahahaha...
aku bukan ape.. aku ingat sgt kate2 kawan aku dulu (mase die berkate2 ni aku x keje lagi).. die kate akaun akhirat dengan dunia mcm akaun dalam buku ledger. mesti seimbang.. kalau kite dibayar gaji untuk wat sesuatu keje, kalau kite x wat mengikut ape yg telah ditetapkan takut pendapatan yang kite dapat tuh jadi syubhah (aku rase cam ustazah plak ;) ) kalau da hasil tu meragukan.. nauzubillah.. sbb duit tu akan jadi darah daging.. mungkin kesan x nampak kat kite tp takutnye balance yg xcukup dalam ledger tuh dibalancekan dalam akaun anak cucu kite.. tu yg aku risau..
yess.. berkaitan dengan anak cucu pulak.. dari ms sekolah dulu lagi aku selalu terpikir akan anak cucu.. dalam konteks tanggungjawab la.. aku ingat lagi mase aku form 4, aku selalu pk dengan memotivasikan diri aku bahawa aku kene gak blaja sbb kalau aku jadi ntahpape lps ni, maknenye aku ni selfish sbb nnt kalau kau jd ntahpape aku pn akan kawin ngn org yg ntahpape dan kemuadiannye anak aku pn jadik ntahpape dan jailah aku keluarga ntahpape. sbb tu aku ni cerewet skit memilih pasangan hidup.. ceeewah.. hahahaha.. kononnye aku xleh selfish.. kene pilih yg agak2 ok nak jadik bapak kepade anak2 aku.. hahahah~~ ntahpape aku nih..
wallhualam.. :)
ape yg aku da melalut ni.. dr kaunseling stress ke prinsip akaun dah masuk bab kekeluargaan plak.. hihihi.. memang becok.. cakap dalam hati pun becok.. hahaha..
so, ehem2.. berbalik ke pangkal jalan.. cm pagi tadi.. aku bangun dengan 1001 dialog dalam kepala otak aku.. mcm2.. terfikirkan baju yg x iron lagi, x sempat buat persediaan utk p&p hari ni, hadiah guru yang pindah x beli lagi, sijil PEKA sains budak2 form 5 x buat lagi, xsedia lagi utk interiew, folio x tande lagi, analisa kehadiran bulana tak buat lagi.. dan mcm2 lagi yg berlegar2 dalam otak aku. nak aje aku keluarkan otak aku dan tglkan otak aku tu br aku pegi mandi dengan tenang supaye aku aman sikit. nape jadik mcm tu?
sebabnye sangat jelas.. semalam aku habiskan masa sampai pukul 11.30 surf internet.. bace blog kengkawan la, check friendster la, cari resipi baru la, dan mcm2 ade sampai akhirnya aku x siapkan ape yg ptt aku siapkan pd mase tuh. jadi nak dijadikan cerita aku pn pegi tdo dalam keadaan tak puas ati dengan diri aku sbb da menyelewengkan mase. kirenye mcm menyesal la ni.. dan satu hal yang paling penting dalam hidup aku ialah TIDUR YANG BERKUALITI. tanpa tidur siapalah aku.. hehe.. aku kadang2 mcm baby yang akan meragam kalau tido x cukup or x puas. thats it.
so, kesimpulannya???
stress yg aku alami bukan disebabkan oleh kenakalan students kesayangan aku tuh.. bukan disebabkan oleh students aku yg x kenal mane tripod stand..yang mane boiling tube.. atau sebab baju lambat iron, atau RPH xbuat lagi.. semua stress yg aku alami adalah disebabkan oleh sikap aku sendiri yang sangat lemah dalam perancangan masa atau time manegement. itew die yg sebenarnya. TIME MANAGEMENT. contohnye sekarang.. jam lagi 6 minit pukul 8 so aku kene stop surf internet nih sebab aku dah sepatutnya start setelkan ape yg aku patut buat hari ini sebelum aku bermonolog sendiri subuh2 esok..
tp aku da lega. at least i know who i am :)
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
culinary skill :)
Tonight i'm in the mode of polishing my culinary skill.. ;) its been a while actually of me planning to do something with my hidden talent *wink* hehe..
Monday, September 01, 2008
Cuti cuti Malaysia :)
here the update :)
I was in Kelantan on 15-18.. :) I was just stayed @ syg's family's home. It was my first visit as his fiancee *shy shy cat* hahaha..
But so sad, i didnt have chance to meet up with my gfs.. :( i only got chance to meet kak long (anie's sister) who was at her mother-in-law's home the whole week and pay visit to kak cik who just have her first baby boy :) and plus we met fakaruddin a.k.a badut on our way back to kl. :)
my syg surprise me with bouquet of roses :)
tq dear :) i do heart flowersss.. who doesn't? ;)
owh.. i should have put on lipstick.. i looked pale.. hehehe
since he had to go to work, i filled my time going to spa *shiney eyes* going to spa was my in my to-do list actually :)) school had been sooo hectic and tiring. i guess i need some kind of reward to myself. so i chose body massage, body scrub and milk bath. i wanted to do the facial as well but syg left the office earlier :(
owh.. i should mention the spa where i went for the treatment. i went to Heritage Spa. the service was very good. i love the ambience in the treatment room and the gamelan music. it was very relaxing.. and the worker was very friendly and polite. quality that i count as a good service :) and the price was very very reasonable :)) value for money.. value for time :))
after we left the spa, we went to lowyat cause syg wanted to buy laptop for his sis. i always want a camera.. so since they were having a sale and promotion, i bought one for me :))) another reward for me. so now, i'm basically working on my photography skill :)) ehehhe.. clicks here.. clicks there.. ;p my sis said i'm so annoying with the new camera T__T booooo... hihihi..
then we went to his cik's home at bangi to shower and quick rest. we headed to kelantan the same night and only reach kelantan the next day.. soo tiring :(( (i was asleep almost the whole time.. hihihi) syg complaint that i didnt help much since i slept a lot.. hihihi.. i was tired, ok.. kk to kl is a long journey, what? heheheheh...
first photo taken with my new cam *proud face*
(syg insisted that i should take his pic first.. hihi. still in his working attire)
first try... :(
second try.. :) practice makes perfect.. hehehe
syg @ home in kelantan *reading seriously*
kak long's baby boy :)
ahmad badli shah :) we look happy, dont we? ;)
waiting for paka :)
paka in the house!!! heheh :)
Kak cik's newborn baby boy :)
so adorable.. notice the hidden talent in me?? hehehe..
the traffic was congested on our way back to bangi. so i use the time wisely to practice.. hehehe.
no pics otw to kelantan since i slept almost of the time.. hehehe..
Happy Eid Mubarak :)
I have few events for this past 4-5 weeks since my last post :
- Kem Sukan & Rekreasi @ Tinangol Homestay (8-10 August 2008)
- Cuti-cuti Malaysia @ Kelantan (14-19 August 2008)
- Merdeka Celebration @ school (29 August 2008)
Kem Sukan & Rekreasi @ Tinangol Homestay (8-10 August 2008)
Ling Yean & I chill out in the kayak *best...best..* hehehe.. Fyi, we were kayaking during the minum pagi time.. hehehe.. we didnt berebut with the students *defensive* hehe..
trust me. we were actually lost.
fuh.. at last.. i'm here!!! :) :)
ling yean & i trying to look cool ;)
what a beautiful feeling i had that moment :)
i want to do it again.. ;)
and this one? hehehe.. ling yean & i was on the way back from my cousin's home. We went there for shower (my cousin's house). There was singing performance organized by the ministry of information. So, we just stopped by to buy food and clicks few photo. Hehehe..
Where do i start.. hmm.. the planning was good.. i mean we will have a very compact schedule.. water confident, kayaking, flying fox, abseiling and burung hantu. owh yes.. plus the LDK session. But it turend out to be...erm... not that compact. Practically NO activities for the first day. So the students killing their tonnes of free time by the goreng pisang game and othe games that i rather not join. Hehehe..
Well, i'm not going to comment about that since i had the chance to kayaking and abseiling AGAIN!!! Hahaha.. Greedy me.. Want to do it all.. Few students didn't have chance to do it due to insufficient time.. Don't blame me.. I was there just as guru pengiring what-so-ever and all activities were supposedly conducted by other teachers. Takkan la i nak jadik gila kuasa pulak kan.. *defensive* hehee..
So, later after lunch, we went for abseiling. Luckily Ling Yean and I tumpang Cikgu Juining in his four-wheele drive or else we ended up walking for 45 minutes just to reach the spot for abseiling. Pity the students. If iwas up to me, I wouldn't pick that spot. It was too far from the camp site plus they only started the activities at 3.00p.m! Can u believe it?? That means we only have approximately 3 hours before dark and 45 minutes just to reach the abseiling spot...? Not added the time for the preparation yet... things like tying the abseiling special rope and all.. it ended with the students' dissatisfaction. Out of 42, only less then 20 were manage to abseil down. Enough of that..
The next day was the closing ceremony. We headed back in the morning (after i insinst that we manage to clear the camp site just in 2 hours) *proud face* ahehehe..
so, here the last shot :)
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
sentimental post~~~
WARNING!! this is a sentimental post
you may loathe this post
yesterday (last nighe to be precise), i was in the mood for blogs browsing. then i came across this. it was in the http://farisian9600.blogspot.com/
i always know that i'm a sensitive girl. but i just dont know that when it comes to my dear ex-secondary school.. i become so weak at the heart.. i went to kelantan some time in 2007 and got a chance to visit the school on they way back from abe ijey's house it was not really a visit actually. we (anie and i) were just peeking from outside the school compound. and i think the guard was a bit suspicious with our presence. hehe..
well.. i always on the verge of shedding tears whenever i miss the school.. i am so clueless. why?
of course i love my school but crying?? that's too much. isn't it?
same thing happened last night when i watched the clip click here. my eyes produce few drops of tears. i am just so clueless.
obviously there is something beyond logical explanation to my issue. as if unconsciusly, i'm deeply connected to my past but i just have no idea. my emotional expression was quite extreme for 'naughty' student that i used to be.
one thing for sure and i know for sure:
i am sensitive and sentimental..
but some times (or most of the time) i do not show it..
i really miss my friends.. *sigh*
. . .
i was in the lab today and saw this OHP (overhead projector) that reminded me to cikgu ghazi. the OHP has not been used for years since teachers usually use the LCD projectors. but the lab assistant told me that the OHP is still can be used. so, being sentimental, i asked the lab assistant to clean the dust. i was obviously jovial today that my spirit level rises to the maximum. and i feel that using the OHP is more practical for showing the calculation isntead of the LCD projector.
how i miss those old days.. :'(
the OHP with my notes on it. i took this pics after the class :))
this is an old stuff :)) so my students helped me to fix this part so that i could use it for them..
i'm happy to share my past with them..
hurm... life must go on :)
memories remain.. :))
. . .
productive day :D
i started my day with an ok mood :) yay for not having arghh-i'm-so-lazy-today mood.
the form 5 students are sitting for the EXCEL 2 exam until the next tuesday. hooray for that. that means i can use the time allocated for the t&l preps to do my panitia filing system. officers from unit jaminan kualiti or something sounds like that will be observing our school on this 14 august. so, all the ketua panitia and the secretaries are now busy updating the content of files. i myself have 23 files to look for. 22 are from the panitia sains and 1 is for the kelab sukan & rekreasi.
ok. enough for the introduction.
so, i started replacing the old yellowish file with the new one. mind you, it was not my rajin attitude to change the file. even though it sounds easy, but trust me... i rather teaching for straight 10 periods. every time i took out the file's content, i realize something was missing. being a perfectionist i think i am a perfectionist cos i want everything to be perfect i am (which is in my opinion is not very helpful in situation like this), i tried to find the missing pieces. senior teachers told me i don't have to push myself looking for something which is papers for the previous years since the panitia was handed to me only in 2008.. this is how i realized i'm a perfectionist. that's why i'm not excel in most of things. *sigh*
ok. never mind about that. so, i stayed back until 5pm but still, i haven't finished with the filing.
heheheh *wink*
hm.. what is the purpose of this post??
oh yes.. actually i just want to show u some pics of the clutterness of my desk...hihi..
Okay. Ladies and gentlemen. this is my desk.. (boooooo!!!) T___T it is an object where you can put two bottles of water, glue, purse and to add on the decor, put the banana fritters on your wallet.. hehe.. i took this photo after i had my lunch. i felt so hopeless to mind about the mess. my goal was "complete the filing" which obviously i failed.
owh. by the way. i was tumpang my neighbour's desk.. hehe.. she was already going back home.. so i just tumpang la.. heheh..
hurm.. even in this pic the desks look ridiculously small for teachers.
i wonder when we'll get a bigger table...
p/s : i've clear the mess before i left home.. in case you are wondering la... ;)
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
forgive vs forget
people forgive and forget.
i forgive.. but never forget (despite how much i've tried)
i hate to say but yes.. maybe i'm a malicious.
or the cut was too deep to heal..
or maybe i'm traumatized..
or maybe i'm just plain stupid..
what ever..
enough of my endless angry entry.. hihi..
i'm nut..
ok.. few updates..
i'm going for a camping end of this week.. from friday to sunday..
i love camping.. but for leisure.. i'm not into that kind of 'rambo' camping.. kind of survival camp.. 'eat what you can get', sleep where you can lie'.. and sort of that thing.
i love sleeping in the tent.. going for sight seeing.. bathing in the river (no leech pleeesaee).. and do simple activity like abseiling. i'm not interested in flying fox. boring.
one more thing.. i wish i can stay under a tree reading my fav novel without having to worry about the lesson plan T___T, teaching preps, meetings, marking books etc..
and rowing down the river.. floating along the stream.. listening to bird chirping.. soft sun rays on my face.. listening to the sound of flowing river..
its so heaven, isn't it? :)
see.. i still have beauty inside of me :) its just that i get upset easily
Monday, August 04, 2008
it's always about me..
i always think that being 'me' is always the hardest part.. i don't know why is it so hard to please everybody and myself.. i was hurt before and now i hurt people around me.. and then i hurt myself.. things keep going round and round in circle.. going nowhere.. at least that is what i think..
i am an angry person.. i'm mad with situation around me.. i'm mad with people around me.. i'm mad with myself for being grumpy almost all the time..
i blame it on others for making me mad..
and feel sorry for those who i've taken out my anger on them..
and those people will mad at me..
and i'm sad cause they don't know that i'm not mad at them..
i'm sad cause i thought they understand me..
and i'm sad cause i know nobody deserves to be treated that way...
i want them to know that i need help..
even when i didn't say a word..
just to stop this madness..
and what should i do now..
i'm the hurt person..
that hurt myself..
and people around me..
people who are hurt will hurt
so it says...
i was watching a program on tv.. Oprah maybe.. i couldn't remember..
it was something about how people who was living life in hell manage to survive and get better life..
i am more interested in a quote said by the guest
"people who hurt hurt"
simply mean people who are hurt might or will hurt others.
its true.. people who've been hurt and abused physically and mentally will do the same to other people. and the 'other people' who are hurt will hurt other people and this other people will hurt other and it goes on like a curse.
but hurting people doesn't always satisfy the 'hurter'. sometimes unconsciously they might hurt people they dear and love the most and in other way, they are hurt themselves. again.
what goes around comes around.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
some kine of cheating????
my sist who is currently studying at an IPTA in Perak just went back to her campus last week. She bought the ticket online via Maybank2U direct debit. I've been using the same method since i was studying in JB and just recently bought tickets for my other sist WITHOUT extra charge for using Maybank2u direct debit service.
But my sist just spotted this in the booking information in my air asia account.
and this one is the travel itenerary they sent to my email:
Saturday, July 19, 2008
missing moment
for a start.. i'm a bad freezer..
yep. Why?
Because, i freeze things when i feel like doing it. It shouldn't be that way..
Few things that i've missed to freeze ON TIME :
chubby cheeck on the engagement day
12 july 2008
few attempt to decorate the fruit salad (?) at sarizah's house
(during my KDP Bestari)
smiley salad
personal decor
cuti-cuti malaysia in kudat
(1-4 may 2008)
fishing @ esplanade
(1 may 2008)
i'm really fishing.ok..
we'll never be alone... (-_-)
my sisss in action.. (-______-)~~
Pics during get-to-know-your-brother-in-law-to-be picnic
venue : Pantai Bak-Bak
(2 may 2008)
i may say that they are quite 'obsessed' with their bro-in-law-to-be (-_-).....
see.. (that's my forehead caught in the camera)
and more..
and more..
and more..
and this one is sooooo obvious (-_-)~~~
the prove of my sis' (-_-)~~
and.. owh.. finally.. :)
hehehehe.. ;)
ok.. enuf..
here another yummy shots.. :D~~
err.. after??
heeeeeeeeeeeheeeee ;)
another shots from my (-_-) siss....
ela & ena
ela and enda
err...... (-_-)
finally.... :)
view of Pantai Bak-Bak

- My convocation pictures
- My KDP Bestari pictures
- Sort of get-to-know-your-brother-in-law picnic
- My engagement pictures
- menyiapkan hiasan hantaran for my engagement
- officially a fiance to mr mohd fadhlie ab khalil
- being observed by mr santana rajan (coordinator of KDP Bestari)
On my so-called engagement day :)
(12 july 2008)
special thanks to my family for their love and support..
i love u all....
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
update vs tag :)
i'm back in kudat now. 3 days in KK worn me out. i dont suit the rushing life in the big city (mind you, i think kk city is growing soo fast). and i gained EXTRA 2 KILOS!!! goshhhh... :( i betrayed myself. looking foward to lose few more kilos :(
forget that extra cusion i got under my skin. need to update this freezer :)
21. 11.2008
my sis flight from sarawak arrived late at night. it was past midnight, actually. her original boarding time was 915 pm but retimed to 1020pm. and due to bad weather, it was retimed again to 11.25 pm. so she landed at LCCT Kota Kinabalu 5 minutes past 1 a.m! i was so sleepy driving from the place i stayed to the airport. oh. i should mention this. i stayed the night at tune hotel, a low cost hotel.. hihihi.. cost me only rm95 per night. well, the room? what you get is what you paid for. but i personally satisfy staying there. i chose the hotel because it is located next to the 1 borneo hypermall. so, i dnt have to drive and compete for the parking lot if i want to walk around doing my window shopping. plus, GSC is in there, so it's bonus for me :) i cehcked in at 2.00pm after wandering for hours in the mall. i just stayed in my room and watched tv until 1245 am, then i went fetch my sis at the airport. boring me kan? *sigh*
checked out at 10. still have to spend the night in KK since i had to fetch another sis from perak. aiyoo.. jadik chaperon pulak *rolling eye* so, we filled our time with windows shopping and watching movies. we watched madagascar and the quarantine. madagascar was ok.. i give 3.5 stars out of 5. the funny story was we got in to the wrong house. it was suppose house num 1. but we went in to num 4 instead. the movie was at 12pm. after 10 minutes past 12, no sign the movie will start shortly. when my sis checked the tickets again... ahhh.. there we went like jakun. slowly sneaked out and went in to the right house. hehe.. luckily it just started. fuh..
The quarantine??? 2 stars out of 5. the stars go to the actors and actress but never to the script writers. the storyline is sooooo unacceptable. but being objective as i am, i think the leading actress plays very effective acting. the film might be very interesting if the storyline is more real. u should see the movie yourself to agree with me.
we spent the night at the holiday hotle. this hotel located in the middle of the city. i picked the hotel because it is nearer to the airport. plus, i;m done with the window shopping. not very good place to stay. old building and old furniture :( but that's it.
headed back to kampung early in the morning. i was so tired.. but never mind :)
so, i've been tagged by Ms B ;) kinda tricky stuff.. hehe..
so, here it is...
Rules of the tag:
1.Take a recent picture of yourself OR take a picture of yourself right now.
2. Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair…just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post these instructions with your picture.
5. Tag people to do this.
i want to tag these pretty friends of mine aifaa, anggerek, lyn, ain, reen & adani :)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
sleepless night
*late post*
again. another sleepless night. but this time, no alligator. hehe.
i was in deep discussion wit my fiance last night and we came out wit the best result -ever-.
i'll post about that later :)
suffice to say that i'm extremely happy that my heart beat faster and i was too excited that i didn't sleep much last night ;)
i'm at sar's place right now after more than 3 hours-drive yesterday. it was raining heavily all the way from kudat to kk. since i hadn't have my lunch, i stopped at petrol station and bought some foods. i was a bit sleepy by that time that i hope i can maintain the high level of conciousness while i drive.
i'm sleepy now.
gud nite everyone
Thursday, November 20, 2008
scary night
i'm still sleepy.. i barely had sleep last night. at first everything was ok. nothing to scared about. it was around 2.00 a.m. that i was awake when mum called.i just realized that it was raining very very heavily. and the wing blew strongly. mum asked how i was doing since she said it was raining heavily there, at kampung. mum told me to look outside the window just to check if it was flooding or not. then i started to worry. luckily, none that i'd seen.
only after that i remembered mum told us couple of days before that the authority warned about strong wind around 20th and everybody should take precaution. late now..
i was a tiny little bit worried. so i just curled my self into ball on the couch. wishing that everything will end sooner.
i tried to sleep and i had nightmare. i dreamed about alligator just under the couch i slept on. and its tail touched my legs. ewww..
luckily it was just a nightmare
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
lone ranger
today is kinda weird. not the day.. but me myself..
i'm all alone now. dad has seminar in KK. mum and other siblings went back to kampung early this morning. in fact earlier before i start my watching-tv-marathon. i stay because i need to submit my fail meja which has been pending for a good 2 MONTHS without any update when i'm supposed to update it EVERYDAY.
initially i planned to drive to KK today (another reason i stay back) . actually i planned about it since last sunday. i need to see some people from UMS for my next year project and do some window shopping. ah.. not forgetting some fancy facial stuff i've promised to do with a friend plus fetching sis from the airport. luckily i haven't set any appointment with the people from UMS or else i'll drop the hint of bad impression.
but.. i feel slightly down today. for a fairly good reason.
in other word.. over think.
i was invigilating the year-end MUET exam and i had a chance too peek articles in one of the papers.
so, tho whole idea is a person (in my case : a woman) who thinks toooo much (maybe way too much) will suffer severe depression and anxiety — especially in women — and interferes with good problem-solving.
as a matter of factly, i'm totally clueless.
here the situation : we (or rather I) will have to think a lot to solve particular problem, right? but what will happen is my initial problem-solving thinking leads to overthinking and at the end the act will contribute to severe depression and anxiety and interferes with good problem-solving. so now, i have doubled my problems. it is like i'm moving in a circle chasing my own tail in search for my head.
now there.. sounds familiar?
i better stop before i start to overthink.
all in one

Sunday, November 09, 2008
it's november!! :)
yess.. we are in the month of november.. i love the sound of no-vem-ber.. hehehe.. that means year-end break is approaching ;) i fact we are a week away from it.. hurrayy!!
i realized that i havent posted anything since september.. (of course) many things happened but i give freezer a discount for october entry :) any way.. tomorrow my school is going to held the annual dinner and the theme is something like glamourous red carpet?? hehe..
what a theme for a plain jane.. *sigh*
Monday, September 29, 2008
hari raya is just around the corner!! yay for that :) :)
so, i'm taking this precious chance to wish all my muslim friends SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI.. please forgive me for my wrong doings ;)

on the other note, syg will be starting his training with APMM starting this becoming 7 Oct at Kuantan... i'm so happy for him.. because i know he's been waiting for the offer.. but the bad news is the trainees are not allowed to bring the cell phone :( :( and until now, we dont even know yet how long the training period :"( .. i will definetaly miss him so much :"( *sigh*
i hope everything will be fine.. *sigh*sigh*ish*
Monday, September 22, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
i'm going for the spp interview :)
Wish me luck :)
fuh.. lega.. finally i can sleep in peace for two reasons :
- i've finished teaching the syllabus
- i've interviewed
- the SPM trial starts next week so it's a BIG YAY!! Hehehe.. (teaching is very tiring i tell you)
- Wawasan 2020
- Local & international issue
- Names of few ministers
- Issues on inflation
- 2009 budget
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
monolouge in lab 1
i am in lab now.. i just cant resist the urge to blog. just to put my mind at ease, i blog a bit la.. hehehe..
i'm waiting for my 0810am class.. i am so proud of myself because last night i managed to do what i was suppose to do *very2 proud face :)))* so today, i woke up with more positive vibrant than yesterday.
i 'm going for the spp interview tomorrow. but havent prepared anything yet for the interview. if its about the current issue, maybe its ok la.. but if it comes to the ministers, YBs datuks.. and datins names.. uhuk2.. i'm so pathetic at recalling people's names.. but i dont succumb that easily.. i already printed out the list of the cabinet so taht i can take time remembering who's who.. hehehe..
so, today i'm going to fininsh up the form 5 physics syllabus so that i can start drilling my students with exam papers.. ngeh.. ngeh.. ngeh..
i do enjoy teaching as long as the students are okay.. what i meant by ok is in term of their behavior.. i really can tolerate no matter how much they said they dont understand whai i'm blabbing but i cant tolerate with students who do not do their work or simply come in late to the class.. as long as these two rules are obeyed.. they are in good term with me.. heh heh heh.. *devil* hehe..
one more ting i can tolerate is students who are sleepy.. oh dear.. i do understand them.. i know they dont mean it but its somehow a nature call.. and they were just powerless over thier biological function.. like i used to be.. hahahaha.. but i dont let them sleepy for too long.. i'll ambush them with questions then they will be refresed again.. hahaha.. dengki punya cekgu..
whatever it is.. i've found myself to enjoy my job day by day..
it seems like day by day i manage to follow the rythm :)
wish me the brightest day forward :) :) :)
Monday, September 08, 2008
my hidden talent :)
i've been trying to polish my domestic side yesterday and today..
simple recipe for a simple plain_jane :)
pudding (or is it dadih) cocktail
milo pudding / dadih
*more update later :)
updated :)
i admit that i'm not very good in the kitchen. but still, i am still connected to my feminine side that i feel like doing something that will challenge my culinary skill :) usually i cook when my mom and dad wasn't around.. hehehe..
i still remember during ramadhan last year, i opened my mom's recipe book and i came acroos mee hailam. so, i went to the market to buy all the ingredient needed for the recipe. sad to say, the best comment i had was "ok la jugak".. T___T
but i knew it wasn't as what mee hailam should be because my sis was teasing me by saying
" ni mee hailam ka mee HAIRAN?"
ok.. enough of humiliation.. but i dont care cos the mee HAIRAN left no trace of leftover. hahaha..
another story.
aku mmg ade bad habit.. iaitu cepat marah. aku pun tak tau.. aku mmg mudah sgt melenting lebih-lebih lagi kalau aku tengah stress. aku bukan nak citer pasal aku cepat marah..tp pasal stress yang aku alami sejak jadik cekgu ini.. huhuhu~~~
dulu mase belajar aku xde la beria2 sgt nak keje walaupun biasenye org yang tgh sakit kepala nak exam akan berdoa utk keje cepat2.. sbb aku percaya yang manusia ni selalu rase dielah yg paling malang.. dan aku yakin yang kalau da keje lg banyak songeh.. lagi besar tanggungjawab.. kalau kuliah best.. kalau da stress2 ponteng aje.. janji x lebih 80%.. hahahaha.. kalau da tensen sgt blaja paling2 pun aku doa je cpt abis exam and cepat abis blaja tp xde plak doa cpt2 dpt keje sbb aku mmg sebenanye xde cite2.. (tp sekarang da ade cite2) huhu~~ cume melalui ujian personaliti dan kerjaya (cewaaahhh) aku mmg sesuai jadi cekgu.. dan mmg rezeki aku kat situ dan aku x menolak.. :)
so, bile da jadi cekgu ni, dijadikan cerita mmg stressss.. lagi2 aku sebagai guru yg masih hijau mata memandang ;) maybe cekgu2 baru yang lain ok je kott.. aku je yg kecoh2.. tp aku xpeduli. aku nak kecoh2 jugak sebab ni blog aku.. hahahaha...
aku bukan ape.. aku ingat sgt kate2 kawan aku dulu (mase die berkate2 ni aku x keje lagi).. die kate akaun akhirat dengan dunia mcm akaun dalam buku ledger. mesti seimbang.. kalau kite dibayar gaji untuk wat sesuatu keje, kalau kite x wat mengikut ape yg telah ditetapkan takut pendapatan yang kite dapat tuh jadi syubhah (aku rase cam ustazah plak ;) ) kalau da hasil tu meragukan.. nauzubillah.. sbb duit tu akan jadi darah daging.. mungkin kesan x nampak kat kite tp takutnye balance yg xcukup dalam ledger tuh dibalancekan dalam akaun anak cucu kite.. tu yg aku risau..
yess.. berkaitan dengan anak cucu pulak.. dari ms sekolah dulu lagi aku selalu terpikir akan anak cucu.. dalam konteks tanggungjawab la.. aku ingat lagi mase aku form 4, aku selalu pk dengan memotivasikan diri aku bahawa aku kene gak blaja sbb kalau aku jadi ntahpape lps ni, maknenye aku ni selfish sbb nnt kalau kau jd ntahpape aku pn akan kawin ngn org yg ntahpape dan kemuadiannye anak aku pn jadik ntahpape dan jailah aku keluarga ntahpape. sbb tu aku ni cerewet skit memilih pasangan hidup.. ceeewah.. hahahaha.. kononnye aku xleh selfish.. kene pilih yg agak2 ok nak jadik bapak kepade anak2 aku.. hahahah~~ ntahpape aku nih..
wallhualam.. :)
ape yg aku da melalut ni.. dr kaunseling stress ke prinsip akaun dah masuk bab kekeluargaan plak.. hihihi.. memang becok.. cakap dalam hati pun becok.. hahaha..
so, ehem2.. berbalik ke pangkal jalan.. cm pagi tadi.. aku bangun dengan 1001 dialog dalam kepala otak aku.. mcm2.. terfikirkan baju yg x iron lagi, x sempat buat persediaan utk p&p hari ni, hadiah guru yang pindah x beli lagi, sijil PEKA sains budak2 form 5 x buat lagi, xsedia lagi utk interiew, folio x tande lagi, analisa kehadiran bulana tak buat lagi.. dan mcm2 lagi yg berlegar2 dalam otak aku. nak aje aku keluarkan otak aku dan tglkan otak aku tu br aku pegi mandi dengan tenang supaye aku aman sikit. nape jadik mcm tu?
sebabnye sangat jelas.. semalam aku habiskan masa sampai pukul 11.30 surf internet.. bace blog kengkawan la, check friendster la, cari resipi baru la, dan mcm2 ade sampai akhirnya aku x siapkan ape yg ptt aku siapkan pd mase tuh. jadi nak dijadikan cerita aku pn pegi tdo dalam keadaan tak puas ati dengan diri aku sbb da menyelewengkan mase. kirenye mcm menyesal la ni.. dan satu hal yang paling penting dalam hidup aku ialah TIDUR YANG BERKUALITI. tanpa tidur siapalah aku.. hehe.. aku kadang2 mcm baby yang akan meragam kalau tido x cukup or x puas. thats it.
so, kesimpulannya???
stress yg aku alami bukan disebabkan oleh kenakalan students kesayangan aku tuh.. bukan disebabkan oleh students aku yg x kenal mane tripod stand..yang mane boiling tube.. atau sebab baju lambat iron, atau RPH xbuat lagi.. semua stress yg aku alami adalah disebabkan oleh sikap aku sendiri yang sangat lemah dalam perancangan masa atau time manegement. itew die yg sebenarnya. TIME MANAGEMENT. contohnye sekarang.. jam lagi 6 minit pukul 8 so aku kene stop surf internet nih sebab aku dah sepatutnya start setelkan ape yg aku patut buat hari ini sebelum aku bermonolog sendiri subuh2 esok..
tp aku da lega. at least i know who i am :)
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
culinary skill :)
Tonight i'm in the mode of polishing my culinary skill.. ;) its been a while actually of me planning to do something with my hidden talent *wink* hehe..
Monday, September 01, 2008
Cuti cuti Malaysia :)
here the update :)
I was in Kelantan on 15-18.. :) I was just stayed @ syg's family's home. It was my first visit as his fiancee *shy shy cat* hahaha..
But so sad, i didnt have chance to meet up with my gfs.. :( i only got chance to meet kak long (anie's sister) who was at her mother-in-law's home the whole week and pay visit to kak cik who just have her first baby boy :) and plus we met fakaruddin a.k.a badut on our way back to kl. :)
my syg surprise me with bouquet of roses :)
tq dear :) i do heart flowersss.. who doesn't? ;)
owh.. i should have put on lipstick.. i looked pale.. hehehe
since he had to go to work, i filled my time going to spa *shiney eyes* going to spa was my in my to-do list actually :)) school had been sooo hectic and tiring. i guess i need some kind of reward to myself. so i chose body massage, body scrub and milk bath. i wanted to do the facial as well but syg left the office earlier :(
owh.. i should mention the spa where i went for the treatment. i went to Heritage Spa. the service was very good. i love the ambience in the treatment room and the gamelan music. it was very relaxing.. and the worker was very friendly and polite. quality that i count as a good service :) and the price was very very reasonable :)) value for money.. value for time :))
after we left the spa, we went to lowyat cause syg wanted to buy laptop for his sis. i always want a camera.. so since they were having a sale and promotion, i bought one for me :))) another reward for me. so now, i'm basically working on my photography skill :)) ehehhe.. clicks here.. clicks there.. ;p my sis said i'm so annoying with the new camera T__T booooo... hihihi..
then we went to his cik's home at bangi to shower and quick rest. we headed to kelantan the same night and only reach kelantan the next day.. soo tiring :(( (i was asleep almost the whole time.. hihihi) syg complaint that i didnt help much since i slept a lot.. hihihi.. i was tired, ok.. kk to kl is a long journey, what? heheheheh...
first photo taken with my new cam *proud face*
(syg insisted that i should take his pic first.. hihi. still in his working attire)
first try... :(
second try.. :) practice makes perfect.. hehehe
syg @ home in kelantan *reading seriously*
kak long's baby boy :)
ahmad badli shah :) we look happy, dont we? ;)
waiting for paka :)
paka in the house!!! heheh :)
Kak cik's newborn baby boy :)
so adorable.. notice the hidden talent in me?? hehehe..
the traffic was congested on our way back to bangi. so i use the time wisely to practice.. hehehe.
no pics otw to kelantan since i slept almost of the time.. hehehe..
Happy Eid Mubarak :)
I have few events for this past 4-5 weeks since my last post :
- Kem Sukan & Rekreasi @ Tinangol Homestay (8-10 August 2008)
- Cuti-cuti Malaysia @ Kelantan (14-19 August 2008)
- Merdeka Celebration @ school (29 August 2008)
Kem Sukan & Rekreasi @ Tinangol Homestay (8-10 August 2008)
Ling Yean & I chill out in the kayak *best...best..* hehehe.. Fyi, we were kayaking during the minum pagi time.. hehehe.. we didnt berebut with the students *defensive* hehe..
trust me. we were actually lost.
fuh.. at last.. i'm here!!! :) :)
ling yean & i trying to look cool ;)
what a beautiful feeling i had that moment :)
i want to do it again.. ;)
and this one? hehehe.. ling yean & i was on the way back from my cousin's home. We went there for shower (my cousin's house). There was singing performance organized by the ministry of information. So, we just stopped by to buy food and clicks few photo. Hehehe..
Where do i start.. hmm.. the planning was good.. i mean we will have a very compact schedule.. water confident, kayaking, flying fox, abseiling and burung hantu. owh yes.. plus the LDK session. But it turend out to be...erm... not that compact. Practically NO activities for the first day. So the students killing their tonnes of free time by the goreng pisang game and othe games that i rather not join. Hehehe..
Well, i'm not going to comment about that since i had the chance to kayaking and abseiling AGAIN!!! Hahaha.. Greedy me.. Want to do it all.. Few students didn't have chance to do it due to insufficient time.. Don't blame me.. I was there just as guru pengiring what-so-ever and all activities were supposedly conducted by other teachers. Takkan la i nak jadik gila kuasa pulak kan.. *defensive* hehee..
So, later after lunch, we went for abseiling. Luckily Ling Yean and I tumpang Cikgu Juining in his four-wheele drive or else we ended up walking for 45 minutes just to reach the spot for abseiling. Pity the students. If iwas up to me, I wouldn't pick that spot. It was too far from the camp site plus they only started the activities at 3.00p.m! Can u believe it?? That means we only have approximately 3 hours before dark and 45 minutes just to reach the abseiling spot...? Not added the time for the preparation yet... things like tying the abseiling special rope and all.. it ended with the students' dissatisfaction. Out of 42, only less then 20 were manage to abseil down. Enough of that..
The next day was the closing ceremony. We headed back in the morning (after i insinst that we manage to clear the camp site just in 2 hours) *proud face* ahehehe..
so, here the last shot :)
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
sentimental post~~~
WARNING!! this is a sentimental post
you may loathe this post
yesterday (last nighe to be precise), i was in the mood for blogs browsing. then i came across this. it was in the http://farisian9600.blogspot.com/
i always know that i'm a sensitive girl. but i just dont know that when it comes to my dear ex-secondary school.. i become so weak at the heart.. i went to kelantan some time in 2007 and got a chance to visit the school on they way back from abe ijey's house it was not really a visit actually. we (anie and i) were just peeking from outside the school compound. and i think the guard was a bit suspicious with our presence. hehe..
well.. i always on the verge of shedding tears whenever i miss the school.. i am so clueless. why?
of course i love my school but crying?? that's too much. isn't it?
same thing happened last night when i watched the clip click here. my eyes produce few drops of tears. i am just so clueless.
obviously there is something beyond logical explanation to my issue. as if unconsciusly, i'm deeply connected to my past but i just have no idea. my emotional expression was quite extreme for 'naughty' student that i used to be.
one thing for sure and i know for sure:
i am sensitive and sentimental..
but some times (or most of the time) i do not show it..
i really miss my friends.. *sigh*
. . .
i was in the lab today and saw this OHP (overhead projector) that reminded me to cikgu ghazi. the OHP has not been used for years since teachers usually use the LCD projectors. but the lab assistant told me that the OHP is still can be used. so, being sentimental, i asked the lab assistant to clean the dust. i was obviously jovial today that my spirit level rises to the maximum. and i feel that using the OHP is more practical for showing the calculation isntead of the LCD projector.
how i miss those old days.. :'(
the OHP with my notes on it. i took this pics after the class :))
this is an old stuff :)) so my students helped me to fix this part so that i could use it for them..
i'm happy to share my past with them..
hurm... life must go on :)
memories remain.. :))
. . .
productive day :D
i started my day with an ok mood :) yay for not having arghh-i'm-so-lazy-today mood.
the form 5 students are sitting for the EXCEL 2 exam until the next tuesday. hooray for that. that means i can use the time allocated for the t&l preps to do my panitia filing system. officers from unit jaminan kualiti or something sounds like that will be observing our school on this 14 august. so, all the ketua panitia and the secretaries are now busy updating the content of files. i myself have 23 files to look for. 22 are from the panitia sains and 1 is for the kelab sukan & rekreasi.
ok. enough for the introduction.
so, i started replacing the old yellowish file with the new one. mind you, it was not my rajin attitude to change the file. even though it sounds easy, but trust me... i rather teaching for straight 10 periods. every time i took out the file's content, i realize something was missing. being a perfectionist i think i am a perfectionist cos i want everything to be perfect i am (which is in my opinion is not very helpful in situation like this), i tried to find the missing pieces. senior teachers told me i don't have to push myself looking for something which is papers for the previous years since the panitia was handed to me only in 2008.. this is how i realized i'm a perfectionist. that's why i'm not excel in most of things. *sigh*
ok. never mind about that. so, i stayed back until 5pm but still, i haven't finished with the filing.
heheheh *wink*
hm.. what is the purpose of this post??
oh yes.. actually i just want to show u some pics of the clutterness of my desk...hihi..
Okay. Ladies and gentlemen. this is my desk.. (boooooo!!!) T___T it is an object where you can put two bottles of water, glue, purse and to add on the decor, put the banana fritters on your wallet.. hehe.. i took this photo after i had my lunch. i felt so hopeless to mind about the mess. my goal was "complete the filing" which obviously i failed.
owh. by the way. i was tumpang my neighbour's desk.. hehe.. she was already going back home.. so i just tumpang la.. heheh..
hurm.. even in this pic the desks look ridiculously small for teachers.
i wonder when we'll get a bigger table...
p/s : i've clear the mess before i left home.. in case you are wondering la... ;)
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
forgive vs forget
people forgive and forget.
i forgive.. but never forget (despite how much i've tried)
i hate to say but yes.. maybe i'm a malicious.
or the cut was too deep to heal..
or maybe i'm traumatized..
or maybe i'm just plain stupid..
what ever..
enough of my endless angry entry.. hihi..
i'm nut..
ok.. few updates..
i'm going for a camping end of this week.. from friday to sunday..
i love camping.. but for leisure.. i'm not into that kind of 'rambo' camping.. kind of survival camp.. 'eat what you can get', sleep where you can lie'.. and sort of that thing.
i love sleeping in the tent.. going for sight seeing.. bathing in the river (no leech pleeesaee).. and do simple activity like abseiling. i'm not interested in flying fox. boring.
one more thing.. i wish i can stay under a tree reading my fav novel without having to worry about the lesson plan T___T, teaching preps, meetings, marking books etc..
and rowing down the river.. floating along the stream.. listening to bird chirping.. soft sun rays on my face.. listening to the sound of flowing river..
its so heaven, isn't it? :)
see.. i still have beauty inside of me :) its just that i get upset easily
Monday, August 04, 2008
it's always about me..
i always think that being 'me' is always the hardest part.. i don't know why is it so hard to please everybody and myself.. i was hurt before and now i hurt people around me.. and then i hurt myself.. things keep going round and round in circle.. going nowhere.. at least that is what i think..
i am an angry person.. i'm mad with situation around me.. i'm mad with people around me.. i'm mad with myself for being grumpy almost all the time..
i blame it on others for making me mad..
and feel sorry for those who i've taken out my anger on them..
and those people will mad at me..
and i'm sad cause they don't know that i'm not mad at them..
i'm sad cause i thought they understand me..
and i'm sad cause i know nobody deserves to be treated that way...
i want them to know that i need help..
even when i didn't say a word..
just to stop this madness..
and what should i do now..
i'm the hurt person..
that hurt myself..
and people around me..
people who are hurt will hurt
so it says...
i was watching a program on tv.. Oprah maybe.. i couldn't remember..
it was something about how people who was living life in hell manage to survive and get better life..
i am more interested in a quote said by the guest
"people who hurt hurt"
simply mean people who are hurt might or will hurt others.
its true.. people who've been hurt and abused physically and mentally will do the same to other people. and the 'other people' who are hurt will hurt other people and this other people will hurt other and it goes on like a curse.
but hurting people doesn't always satisfy the 'hurter'. sometimes unconsciously they might hurt people they dear and love the most and in other way, they are hurt themselves. again.
what goes around comes around.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
some kine of cheating????
my sist who is currently studying at an IPTA in Perak just went back to her campus last week. She bought the ticket online via Maybank2U direct debit. I've been using the same method since i was studying in JB and just recently bought tickets for my other sist WITHOUT extra charge for using Maybank2u direct debit service.
But my sist just spotted this in the booking information in my air asia account.
and this one is the travel itenerary they sent to my email:
Saturday, July 19, 2008
missing moment
for a start.. i'm a bad freezer..
yep. Why?
Because, i freeze things when i feel like doing it. It shouldn't be that way..
Few things that i've missed to freeze ON TIME :
chubby cheeck on the engagement day
12 july 2008
few attempt to decorate the fruit salad (?) at sarizah's house
(during my KDP Bestari)
smiley salad
personal decor
cuti-cuti malaysia in kudat
(1-4 may 2008)
fishing @ esplanade
(1 may 2008)
i'm really fishing.ok..
we'll never be alone... (-_-)
my sisss in action.. (-______-)~~
Pics during get-to-know-your-brother-in-law-to-be picnic
venue : Pantai Bak-Bak
(2 may 2008)
i may say that they are quite 'obsessed' with their bro-in-law-to-be (-_-).....
see.. (that's my forehead caught in the camera)
and more..
and more..
and more..
and this one is sooooo obvious (-_-)~~~
the prove of my sis' (-_-)~~
and.. owh.. finally.. :)
hehehehe.. ;)
ok.. enuf..
here another yummy shots.. :D~~
err.. after??
heeeeeeeeeeeheeeee ;)
another shots from my (-_-) siss....
ela & ena
ela and enda
err...... (-_-)
finally.... :)
view of Pantai Bak-Bak

- My convocation pictures
- My KDP Bestari pictures
- Sort of get-to-know-your-brother-in-law picnic
- My engagement pictures
- menyiapkan hiasan hantaran for my engagement
- officially a fiance to mr mohd fadhlie ab khalil
- being observed by mr santana rajan (coordinator of KDP Bestari)
On my so-called engagement day :)
(12 july 2008)
special thanks to my family for their love and support..
i love u all....
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